Part - 10 an effort

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Work of fiction

The Sunrays fell on Draupadi's face as she blinked her eyes open and found herself in the arms of her eldest husband . She smiled a little . After a long time they were close to each other .

She stretched her hand and lightly stroke his hairs and pinned them behind his ears .

He was still sleeping . His closed eyes , golden face , shoulder touching hair , straight eyebrows , stout nose and pinkish lips were making him perfect and the sunrays were adding colour to them .

He is looking cute while sleeping

She thought as she smiled a bit . Watching him sleeping was something she liked to do when she was with him . She was surprised within herself that she was admiring him after so long .

What made me to go away from you ?

She thought .

Maybe I was so hurt that it hindered my feelings , You hurt me beyond limits by staking me I knew you were repenting but my heart didn't believed you untill it saw that you are really repenting and suffering from that , I am feeling sorry now because I didn't believed you , but now I learnt that you feels same...

She said to him in her mind , as she felt how she could tell this things to him so suddenly ?

So she believed to tell everything silently untill she gets a chance .

Meanwhile when she was lost in her silent confession then his sleep broke , he blinked his eyes open and saw that they were so close together and Draupadi was looking at him and lost somewhere .

He felt like why he was so careless , while sleeping he should control his limbs and should lie still but see what he almost embraced her in sleep .

Maybe she is feeling embarrassed or something ? Just didn't told anything , look how she is looking at me !

He slowly took back his hand from her as her trance also got broken by his sudden going back .

Their eyes met for some moments as she saw guilt in his eyes and he saw softness in her eyes , which he rarely saw in these time .

(A/N : it is undescribable thing for common people like me 🙃)

Why her eyes are so soft even after I am so close to her ? Don't she felt like going away from me or she is still in the trance of sleep ? But how she look at me like this if she is still in the trance of sleep ?! This softness I saw on her eyes at mornings when we were living together .... Does she ....?

He felt to hope about her again but his already tormented heart was weak for that .

He was also thinking these and seeing his facial expressions anyone could say that he was feeling miserable by heart .

She also noticed this , she wished to talk with him just for once in any topic , just one talk , she somehow felt that the own misunderstandings of family would not solve by it's own , they have to solve it together , whatever the worst happened on life and they are suffering the consequences , now nothing could be more miserable to punish him like this... already he was suffering from the pain of nightmares ....

She broke out her reverie and sat on the straw ,now he was intending to flee away from her though he also wish to talk with her but whenever he saw her he feels like the major failure of his life is standing in front of him . He only gave pain to her , even she sacrificed her life for his family but what he did for her in return ? All this overthinking are hindering most in the way of their usual talking atleast .

Good morning ... Arya She greeted in a wish if he talk back keeping his thinkings aside .

First of all the address 'Arya' made him shocked , greetings at mornings are usual from anyone but a greeting from her is always feels more good . And moreover he got the address back ? Is it sleeping sensation or something else . Unknown to him a smile formed on his lips and eyes softened hearing her , his heart flattered at this .

Good morning Krishnaa He said in a low voice but his voice was not void but it had a glimpse of cheerfulness in it .

Draupadi smiled at it as he was more surprised , he was thinking what had happened to her she is behaving totally different from other days , does she really ready to forgive me ?

This thought only used to drive him another world . Draupadi was seeing that he was somewhere lost with a little smile . She also smiled more , she thought why not to talk something more ? She was ready to talk anything but suddenly talking anything would look too weird so she decided to quit the idea .

She went away slowly and he didn't realized and when he realized she already went .

What would have been in his mind now ?!


Yeah , again I wrote anything...

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