Part - 7 coming close or...

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Work of fiction

At the morning Draupadi's sleep broke . To her surprise she discovered that she was sleeping near her husband's head .

How I am here ? Sleeping ? She questioned to herself and just moments later she remembered the last night . For once she looked at his sleeping face and sighed .

He was sleeping peacefully . The new golden ray's of morning sun was peeping through the window and falling over the straw and his face was looking more golden and fair than it usually looks .

He is looking adorable

She thought in her mind and a little smile spread over her lips .

The new wind of dawn was making her hair strands float a little , taking her out if her trance .

Do my likeness is growing again ?

Suddenly for no reason her mind questioned her , she had no answer for it .

She felt a dilemma again . But it didn't last for long as he moved in sleep making her gasp as she hurriedly stood up from her place almost running from there in a fear if being discovered by him .

She was still not able to meet his eyes , not any questions , she wanted to run from all .

Some moments later Yudhisthir also opened his eyes and sat across the straw . Out of sleepiness he forgot that she was with him but in moments he remembered that she wasn't there .

Was it a dream ? Or I really saw her ! His mind questioned up .

No how can it be a dream , I was wide awake , how could it be a dream , she was here ! His mind warmed up thinking that her was near him .

He came out of the hut to see Draupadi was wiping the front side of the hut .

She felt his presence and looked at him with the corner of her eyes . Other day she would have took her eyes away and resumed her work but today she just turned and looked at his face for some moments .

Again a new feeling for Yudhisthir , after a long she was looking at him , not anger nothing , casual look bit it's special for him after so long .

He could die for her little glances , pure love gestures these was . Though he didn't know for what she looked at him but she looked , enough .

Being around her is always felt nice , at any time , I don't want her to be mine again , I know she would not , for my own mistake , but I can't bear this separation , If she don't love me then also I will bear it but her silence and hatred ! , Something I can't bear , I can love her to any length , just I wish she become a little easy , for her I can't bear her silence around me , I won't pray to make her cheerful with me like before , Can not possible for my deeds but atleast make her feel easy around me ....

Yudhisthir prayed to God while taking his bath and giving flower and water as offerings to God .

He always used to pray for his family . Today was no exception . But today it seemed like his priority was moving around Draupadi . The way he felt her yesterday night a new hope had again took a place in his heart , no way , he was too feared to lose that little hope again , atleast he wanted Draupadi's pain to lessen as for God also it was impossible to take away the pain and suffering .

He went back to hut , he can't leave her alone for long . And at the entrance he found her sitting alone resting her head within her one palm with support of her knee and looking at nothing .

Should I call her ? What if she .. no no why I am thinking this type of thoughts . I should call her ...

He thought and went towards her but his thoughts faded after going near her .

This always happens , whenever he thought to say something to her but at the last moment he would stumbled on his place . This even happened before their exile also .

Now what ! He didn't want another awkwardness between them as if they were strangers .

So gathering so much courage in heart he finally said

D.. Draupadi what..are doing here... I mean sitting here alone..?

He stumbled a little while saying . Draupadi looked at him as she was in her trance and didn't noticed him .

What to say him , what she was doing ? She realized that now it's her time to start her year with him but it's felt like awkward even after getting married they also weren't this much awkward !

But finally she had to do this , atleast nothing but performing the Yagya !

I was.. thinking that... it's been ..I mean it's our year to be start.. Somehow stammered but she said it .

Yudhisthir was numb at his place .

She really want to start our year ?! After this I was unexpected...

He thought in mind . He needed to say something to her .

Are you really ? I mean if you don't want to spend this year with me the also it's fine... I won't force you to do so... The last few words were barely audible but she heard .

She thought for some moments and answered I can't do Adharma , when this year is destined for us to stay together , I will surely fulfill it .

He thought in mind

So everything is for protecting Dharma , why not ...her whole life is sacrificed for this , wait.. what are you even expecting from her , Yudhisthir ! Don't you think you lost this right upon her ! And if she was doing her Dharma then also think yourself fortunate that she hadn't denied from spending your year , if she had denied then it would have been your greatest failure as husband .

Draupadi went to be prepared for Yagya . Yudhisthir also went to clean the place where the Yagya should be done .

Then both sat to perform the Yagya as ritual , Draupadi chanted the hymns as the flames of the Yagya made her feel like reborn again .


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