It all falls apart

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"Clementine, no, Clementine, NO!" he screams but it's too late. I am out of reach for him. As soon as I feel my back hit the stone hard ground, before everything goes black and I know for sure I am dead. Suddenly everything goes black and quiet. I feel the oxygen depleting from my lungs. I feel my heart stop beating. I can't see nor hear nor speak. I am dead.


I stare at her as she falls. Was this her plan all along?
Yes, a small cruel voice in the back of my head whispers. A myriad of emotions clouds my senses. I back away and  collapse against the tree. I break into sobs. Everything seems to happen in slow motion. I don't even remember when I called the police but apparently I did because I am suddenly surrounded by red and blue lights. I can hear the sirens around me. All of sudden is there's not only police but also ambulance and firefighters. I just sit there under the tree staring ahead if me. The sky is beginning to darken. I burry my face in my hands. Oh god, no. No, this can't be true. She can't be dead. This must be a dream.

"Monroe, do you want to go back? We can take you home." Her mother interrupts my thinking. I can just feel myself shake my head. I just want to sit here. Why her? Why did she have to decide to take her life? Why wasn't she happy? Because Olivia is dead, a voice in my conscience snickered. I stand up and make my way back home.
"Hello Rory! Where have you been?" My mother chirps as soon as I come in through the front door. My two younger sisters Chloe and Arabella are running around like small lunatics. I grunt. Why is she so happy? Clementine Brookes just died. My girlfriend passed away. She jumped off the bridge an hour ago and I'll never see her alive and breathing again. I run up to my mother and break into sobs.
"Oh dear, what has happened, shh it'll all be fine." My mother comforts me with her smooth voice.
"S-she's dead." I croak. "C-Clementine is dead. Stone dead. She j-jumped off t-the bridge."
Suddenly my mother stiffens.
"That sweet girlfriend of yours? Is-is she dead?" My mom asks hesitantly.
"Y-yes, this happened an hour ago." I sniffle. As I say this I can feel my mother tighten our embrace.
"Chloe! Arabella! Go to bed now!" My mom roars. The poor little girls stop what they're doing and runs up to their room.
"We must join them at the funeral. When is it? The funeral, that is." My mother asks.
"It is in a week and of course we shall attend the funeral." I sniffle. I run up to my room and reach into my pocket. I pull out the letter she left me and start to read it.

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