Chapter IV

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"Granny do you know anything about what's happening to her?" Ji-ah asked desperately the woman who stared at her for god knows how long before ignoring her.
"Everyone out." She ordered and everyone went out, they were worried and even though Rang refused to admit it he was and he was not staying merely out of curiosity this time- it was him worrying about her.

"I thought it was going to protect you, but I was wrong.. all these years you had lived with a spirit and tried your best to keep working while I had ruined your life.. I am sorry." The woman got on her knees, took what looked like a paintbrush writing on her hand then whispering under her breathe before standing up and putting her hand on Abygail's forehead- the writing appeared on her flesh before vanishing.
"You are now free my child." She whispered before heading out to be met with the others glaring at her.
"You're a shaman. » Ji-ah started.
"We need an explanation." Yeon demanded smirking at how he knew he was overpowering her, the woman sighed once again and nodded.
"I am no old shaman, But when I entered this relm I hated myself for it and wanted to leave but it was too late.. I wanted to protect what I loved most and it was my little girl by keeping her away from it, but making a deal with the spirit of mischief wasn't a good decision- the spirit kept feeding on her energy every-time she was close to a spirit .. I never noticed until you called me." She said looking down in shame, no one said anything they just sat there in silence until Rang broke it.
"Quite pathetic isn't it, I'll leave you all to it since now you know I had nothing to do with that." He shrugged looking as the lady was starting to wake up.
"I have to leave, I donnot want her to see me." Her grandma whispered to Ji-ah before leaving the room leaving a thick atmosphere.
"Ngh.." Abygail whined as she opened her eyes and looked at the dimmed room.
"What the hell happened?" She asked sitting up right away making her head throb painfully and wince.
"Lay back down idiot you need to rest." Yeon said pushing her forehead back down, having her give up was easy in that state so she didn't bother.
Rang and her locked eyes for a while before he decided to dismiss himself, something he wanted to do before she woke up.
"I brought you your favorite snacks!" Ji-ah said excitedly as she sat by her bed making Abygail smile in anticipation- in fact she loved getting spoiled.


After some tests run by the doctor she was dismissed, they could only call it overwork or lack of sleep since they had no idea, Abygail knew something was up but was too tired to ask, once home she received a mail from the law firm- they were extending her time off due to the recent incident which she didn't like and decided to call the director.
"It was a slight mistake, there is no issue now." She said over the phone desperately but the man was not backing down.
"Besides there are no difficult cases lately, only the usual I'll call you when you will be needed but before that don't think you can just waltz into the office and get hold of a case Kang you've worked too much overtime and I learned to care about you over the years." He had convinced her and she knew she had no say in that- her health did come first but now she felt more energetic than before as if a weight was taken off her back.
Going out for a jog wasn't something she usually had the time for and today was quite perfect for one, after Ji-ah had filled her in with the unbelievable world she had entered part of her wanted to keep her distance but she had an odd feeling that she would still get sucked in it no matter how she tried.
Hearing squealing coming from a scrap car recycling, she entered it and saw three punks throwing a ball at an injured puppy, she cursed mentally their parents for the lack of empathy in them.
"Hey! Punks the hell you think you're doing?" She roared stepping in front of them blocking the little dog from getting hit, they started laughing and aimed the ball at her instead.
"Why don't you take its place then." One of them said throwing a ball hitting her thigh, she winced in pain and glared.
"I'll fucking ki-" but before she could finish someone stepped in holding the guy's wrist.
"You're always looking for trouble aren't you kitten?" He smirked looking her up and down, she rolled her eyes, one of the other guys tried to hit him but a woman who seemed to have come with Rang stepped in using her hairpin to stab him until he was down, the third guy butted in but that was Abygail's call since he had a knife in hand she used her jacked twisting it around his hand and brought him around until his arms were tied with it then hit his knee breaking it making him fall down in pain.
"That little fun party of yours will cost you at least six months, if I see you around I'll make it five years" she said dialing the number of the detective but before she could finish that Rang snatched her phone.
"Your law isn't going to punish these punks as deserved leave it to us." He smirked turning off her phone, she knew she shouldn't be trying him but it was too much to ask for.
"And you will? Do you represent justice?" She scoffed eyeing him up and down, the woman stepped in but Rang stopped her.
"Can I eat her?" She glared at the prosecutor earning a chuckle from her.
"I like her." She answered making the fox smile slightly.
"No Yu-ri, What if I say Yes kitten?" He smirked taking a step forward, and so did she.
"I'd call bullshit Rang, if you think that you are to judge people- do I have to remind you how you turned me blind? How you stalked me? And for what? Your brother whom I've seen less than my client, so maybe Rang I do have the right to second guess your judgement." She said sternly, making her point and he was seeing why she was indeed a prosecutor.
"Fine, I'll let your law deal with it, but next time I see them pulling a stunt like tha-" before he could finish his sentence she nodded and continued.
"I'll leave it to you then." She smirked back mirroring his action.

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