Chapter VII

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"Ji-ah do you remember what we did yesterday?" The woman called her friend to make sure her little trip to drunkland didn't turn out to be a huge mistake.
"Well we had a pillow fight then we went to sleep, why's that? Did something happen?" She asked concerned but was met with silence, how was she supposed to explain to her that Rang just kissed her.
"I- uhm I met Rang outside, it seemed like he was waiting for me and uhm he kind of kissed me." She admitted earning a loud gasp from her roomie.
"Are you serious? You need to stay away from him that guy's a psycho." She continued rambling but the girl driving drifted off in her daydream.
"I'll call you later Ji-ah." She cut her off and hung up dialing Yu-ri's number this time.
After a few seconds her new friend picked up.
"Hello?" The girl answered quite cheerfully and unconsciously Aby found herself smiling at how cute she was.
"Hello Yu-ri, are you free today?"

"I don't understand men Yu-ri why did he kiss me!" They were in a cute coffee Yu-ri with her ice-cream and Aby a milkshake.
"Wait so what did he tell you?" Yu-ri asked curiously she was over the moon with the whole thing, having Rang kiss her only girl friend was perfect especially how she liked her.

"He asked me why I hadn't called hi- wait let me see." She took her phone and shuffled through the calls to find an unknown number she showed it to Yu-ri and she gasped.
"It's Rang-nim!" At that Aby sunk into her seat and felt ashamed she must've done it- she knew she was the flirty type when drunk that's why she never got drunk alone or at a party.
"I need to call him and apologize." She said sulking while sipping her vanilla milkshake, Yu-ri nodded.
"Not to be psycho or anything I will legit eat your liver if you mess with him." Yu-ri said taking a spoon of her dessert as if it was the most usual thing to throw in a convo, Aby could only laugh nervously.
"I know and you have my blessings, anyways do you I call him now?" She asked not quite sure of what to do.
"No not right now he is plotting something, and I know how you don't wanna get involved in that." She answered shrugging her friend nodded back at her and she did have a point.
"I'm going to my apartment to water the plants since my neighbor couldn't do it, wanna come with me?" Yu-ri raised a brow at her not quite getting what she meant.
"I have my own apartment, Ji-ah had asked me to move in with her since she felt lonely so ever since I just don't go there." She answered her silent question making her nod.

At her apartment Yu-ri was impressed with the place, it was very modern there were plants that made it feel like a garden.
"Nice place." She smiled rushing to the open bedroom jumping on the soft mattress.
"No one knows About it though, when Ji-ah and I met I was living in a small flat near my law firm from back then." Yu-ri was excited at the news, she smirked and as if Aby knew where that was going she rolled her eyes.
"Can I tell Rang-nim about it? It seems like it makes him happy when I tell him about the hidden part of your life." She grinned.
"Earning cookie points, I'll give you that sure you can tell him." She sighed knowing that he was going to know at some point.

"Ah! It's Rang-nim he is done with his errands." She squeaked then looked up at Aby who was just watering her plants.
"You still need to talk to him right?" Yu-ri asked to confirm.
"Yes, why?" Watering her last pot she set the cup on the side and waited for an answer.
"Well we both agree that you need a punishment right?" She waited and earned a nod.
"Rang-nim is drinking at his usual pub but he is quite mean when he is drunk so you should take care of him and bring him back home instead of me this time alright? Thank you! I'll go spend some time with shin ju." And with that she left not even letting Aby have the time to precess what was said, she received a message on her phone from Yu-ri and found an address.
"Might as well get over with it." She sighed but then got another call from Ji-ah.
"I know this is gonna sound crazy, but Yeon and I kissed, we had some issues and now he wants to stay over my place.." she trailed off.
"You'll tell me the details later, I'm not coming home tonight especially not to you moaning a certain fox's name." She teased knowing fully how it made her roomie blush- she heard Yeon ask in the distance if she was alright then hung up.
She wore a simple dress to go to the pub even she wasn't sure why she was trying so hard, entering the place she spotted him right away and sat beside him.
"Water please." She knew fully she couldn't afford to get drunk right now, Rang's gaze landed on her looking her up and down before shrugging and chugging his glass.
"Who orders water in a pub?" He asked coldly.
"You and I both know that drunk me is troublesome, I am weak with alcohol thus I make mistakes." She admitted facing him, he still didn't look at her.
"So it was a mistake.." he sadly said but she rotated his chair making him face her.
"To forget what happened? Yes.. I don't know what I did but please tell me." She begged him eyes prying to find the answer.
"I can show you, but this time you're not allowed to forget." He smirked.

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