Chapter 3

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This afternoon they all sit at the living room
Danny-I was thinking we should go for a walk,show you around
Stella-Go show him the place we used to play with the snow,I think he'll love it
Danny-Good idea, let's go now before it gets too cold
They wear their jackets and gloves and they leave.After 5 minutes they arrive at a park covered in snow.Steve stares at the snow and Danny goes behind him,makes a snowball and he throws it at Steve's back while Steve stares at the white field.Steve turns around and he watches Danny laugh
Steve-That is how you wanna do it?
He gets his gloves out,he makes a snowball and he throws it at Danny.He hits him in the chest.They start playing at the snow.They run and have fun like 7 years olds.Steve hides himself.Danny with a snowball in his hands starts looking for him when Steve comes from behind and throws Danny to the ground.He laughs.Danny tackles him and he falls to the ground too.They both laugh so hard.After a couple of minutes they get up.
Danny-We're soaking wet.I think we should return and change before we get cold
Steve-I think that's a good idea
They start walking back home and arguing who won.They arrive just in time for dinner.They get changed from the wet clothes and they join the others on the table.After a huge dinner and a lot of hours talking and chatting about Danny as a baby at the living room,they go to their beds.
Danny-Yes Steve
Steve-Mahalo for the best Christmas Eve ever
Danny-You are welcome buddy
After this Danny falls asleep.Steve was thinking how amazing the day was and how lucky Danny were to grow up with a lovely family like this and that they treated him as their son.He was thinking that he might had a family too.As these thoughts were crossing his mind,he fell asleep.

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