Chapter 9

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Third Person POV

"Hey, can't you find us some real food, you know like some meat?" Semimaru asked passing Natsu and Arashi holding two buckets, "Even steak would be so good"

"Don't be ridiculous," Arashi said.

"There's no way we're still in Japan," Semimaru said placing the buckets on a light blue mat /cloth, "This has got to be like, Africa or the Amazons, right Natsu?"

Natsu flinched when Semimaru swung his arm over her shoulder, "Um, please don't, don't touch m-"

"Oh you finally learned how to talk back," Semimaru teased only to get pulled my Arashi.

"That's enough," Arashi said.

"Get your damn hands off me!" Semimaru yelled.

Footsteps were heard, dragging the attention to Mozu.

"Congratulations, we're having meat tonight," He said.

"Oh yea!" Semimaru smiled.

'Where's Y/N?'
Natsu thought looking around.

Semimaru saw what Mozu was holding causing him to be shocked.


Everyone sat around the campfire.

"Where's Chimaki and Y/N?" Ms. B asked.

"I saw him digging up rocks earlier," Matsuri said, "But Y/N, I have no idea."

"They'll show up when they get hungry," Semimaru said eating his meat kebab, "It's tasty!"

"I'm not a fan of bugs," Arashi said.

"I don't care, it's delicious," Hotaru said but it was muffled.

"Hah, see there, you're such a wuss," Semimaru laughed before taking up a stick with cooked bugs. He was about to eat it until he stopped.

"I wonder where Y/N could've run off to," Ms. B said,"Its not like her to just disappear, she could be in danger."

"I say she's fine," Semimaru said.

"Y-you don't know that," Natsu stuttered.

"So Botan, I've been meaning to ask you, why did you decide that we should go northeast?" Arashi asked.

"We were originally placed in the Northern Kiushu area, so we should've ended up somewhere near the East China Sea," Ms. B answered.

"So all of the other teams should be nears here?" Arashi asked.

"No, we were split up," Ms. B said, "Team Spring in the Kanto region and Team Winter in Kaodo and Team Fall and summer A are- I don't really remember."

"Why is summer tbe only one that has two teams?" Arashi asked.

Ms. B stayed quiet for a bit, "Well that's- uh."

"The members had to fit a certain criteria," Mozu explained, "Candidates are who're healthy and intelligent, those who were raised in a stable family environment. And furthermore people with- attractive physical appearances, those made up the final selection."

"That's makes no sense, I didnt grow up with a stable family environment at all," Semimaru said," But it must also be why Y/N was chosen, I mean she's hot. "

"That's where they started to have doubts, therefore an additional team of outcast and dropouts was created as an alternative," Mozu said, "They became Team Summer B."

Matsuri began laughing, "Yea I guess you could consider me a dropout."

"The same is true for me," Natsu sighed looking down,"I was a complete shut in."

"Same here, I caused and accident that hurt some people," Arashi admitted.

"Well you know, that kind of pisses me off, I ain't know loser!" Semimaru argued, "I am a survivor and I'll keep surviving til it's over."

"That's exactly the sort of attitude they were hoping for," Mozu said.

"Don't analyse me asshole!" Semimaru said walking over to Mozu.

"Hey," Chimaki interrupted, "I might have come across something weird and I think I know what happen to Y/N."


The sun was setting, in the water was a hand pointing upwards.

"That's right there," Chimaki pointed it out.

"A hand?" Semimaru asked.

"I'll go in and take a look," Arashi said walking closer to the water.

"Yea me too," Semimaru said following behind him.

"Please be careful," Natsu said.

"Thanks, but don't worry about me, I used to be on the swim team at school," Arashi said taking off his shirt and looking back,"Plus we still need to find Y/N."

Both him and Semimaru jumped in.

"What did you say happenes to Y/N?" Matsuri asked.

"Well I saw her climb up a tree before coming here and when I went back the tree was broken and she was gone," Chimaki explained.

"So she could be majorly hurt?" Natsu asked worriedly.

"Probably," Chimaki said.

"It's best of we keep a look out, just in case she appears," Ms. Botan said, "This is bad."

Ms. Botan then turned to Mozu.

"Why don't we try using the boat to follow them, maybe we might even find a clue to where Y/N could've disappeared too," Ms. Botan suggested.

-With Arashi

Arashi swam further down as Semimaru followed behind him.

He stopped seeing something afsuing his eyes to widened along with Semimaru. Semimaru was caught off guard causing him to open his mouth, allowing water to go in to which he quickly swam back up to the surface.

He came up coughing, before swimming to the boat.

"You can't dive deep enough and quit wasting time and get up here," Ms. Botan said.

"That-that hand, I've seen that dude before," Semimaru said holding on to the boat.

The statue was covered in moss, it's left arm in a straight line pointing East. Arashi stared at the statue in disbelief.

"That' is the peace statue, this is Nagasaki," Semimaru said causing everyone to gasp.

Arashi eyes widened even bigger, if that was even possible before he saw something. He swam to it grabbing it, the unknown item caused him swim back to the surface.

"We're above the ruins of a large city running along the bottom," Arashi said,"Nagasaki, its-its completely gone."

Ms. B looked down in sorrow.

"And if Nagasaki destroyed, all the others, they're gone too," Arashi said, his voice filled with pain and sadness. He started sobbing his back turned to everyone.

Ms. Botan looked down into her hand, looking at the unknown item Arashi retrieved. Her eyes widened slightly. It was...

Y/N's knife.....


Sorry I haven't updated in a while....

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