Chapter 13

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*Rio de Janeiro - November 2015*

After the Mexico Grand Prix, I flew home, although it was a crazy decision. The jetlag was unbearable, and sleepless nights were driving me towards a zombi stage. Every time I closed my eyes, the events from the past weeks filled my mind, vividly, throwing me into the scene as I relived the moments. The dreams forced me to wake up in the middle of the night, gasping the air, cold sweat on my forehead. I beat myself on my simple failure to learn from my mistakes with the Aussie and German. The second-guessing and what-ifs if I had chosen different actions in the past, starting all the way from the moment I first met Daniel and Seb, respectively.

To avoid going entirely mental, I needed human touch, hence I was going through my emails in one of my favourite cafes in London, waiting for Laura to show up. It was tucked away from the busy streets, cosy with soft music playing in the background. I saw a familiar blond bouncing into the cafe, making my lips curve into a big grin. 'Laura!' I beamed when she dove into a bear hug. 'It's midweek, I thought you're working.'

'Oh, I am. Ever heard of remote work?' She teased, eyes sparkling. Laura busied herself, getting settled to our table. At the same time, I finalised an email regarding the marshals at the upcoming race in Brazil. With a satisfied smile planted on my face, I closed my laptop for the moment, turning my attention to Laura. She looked ready to take the world with her berry coloured suit and sparkly heels. 'Really, Laura!' I cracked when I pointed out her heels. 'At work?'

'You know I love to make a statement', She shrugged off, and I shook my head in disbelief. Laura was right; she loved to make a statement, and sometimes I wondered why she chose to work in finance with her character.

'So', Laura threw her stare directly at me, making me feel exposed and small. 'Yes?'

'Don't give me that', she scolded with a timid smile. 'Something happened in Mexico, so spill the beans. Please', she thanked the waitress who had brought her coffee to the table. 'Laura...', I exhaled tiredly and broke down before her. I poured my heart and soul to her from Daniel, and I called quits until Seb, and I kissed. She gave appropriate nods here and there to signal she listened. '- kissing Seb last week rushed all the feelings back. I don't know what to do, Laura', I cried in vain, but Laura kept her gaze scanning over my face.

'You know what?' she blurred out of the blue. 'We need a night out in London. Let's do it on Friday - us and invite Ted and Adrianna!' she beamed and flashed her pearl white teeth. 'I don't know', I said slowly. 'I'm really -'

'Nonsense. We're going out. I'll arrange the details', Laura said energetically, and I knew I had lost the argument even before it had begun. 'Sure, let me know when and where', I mumbled in defeat. Laura squealed and clapped her hands together. 'This will be so much fun !' I ushered an unconvincing smile to my face. 'Can't wait.'

'Is this just me, or are Laura and Ted having too much fun tonight?' Adrianna wondered, her eyes locked on Ted and Adrianna, who was dancing awkwardly on the dance floor in Egg. 'It's the alcohol speaking', I commented absently. 'Speaking on which -', Adrianna caught my attention with her empty glass. 'It's time for a new drink', she laughed and pulled me to the bar as well.

The bar was as crowded as the dance floor. It took a while for us to fight our way behind two guys around our age. Someone pushed me and accidentally forward to the other guy's back. 'Oh, I'm so sorry', I stuttered when I tried to find my two feet back to the ground. I raised my head to meet the most beautiful pair of green eyes. They danced in-between amusement and flirty looks. 'No worries', he flashed a smile. 'Oh, I'm glad nothing happened to you. The bar area gets intense', he joked and explored my body with an intrigued look. I cleared my throat and playfully said: 'My eyes are up here.'

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