Chapter One

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Wanda nearly stopped in her tracks when she saw a new face around here. Not just "a new face" but the "new face." She had heard her boss was hiring a new intern, something most of the people in the company thought was a joke since Stark hadn't hired an intern after the hazing debacle of 2015. Yet, here she was: a very sweet face. Wanda knew in seconds that the people in this company would devour her. She read as someone who was soft and shy.

One could easily pick up on her traits just by walking past her. She was unconfident in her walk, seemingly unsure of herself in this big company hallway. She most likely felt out of place, and there was going to be no one to walk her through the ins-and-outs of this company. Most of the nice people at this job were the ones who were the mail workers on the first floor or a part of one of Starks' sister companies; to work for Stark you had to be a little cutthroat. This is why, despite not knowing her, Wanda felt bad for her.

Wanda herself was pretty young when she started at the company. She had a baby face, which she was teased for. She quickly learned that she had to toughen the fuck up. Of course when she began to climb the ranks in the company, her co-workers were befuddled, not realizing that their bullying ways were a motivating factor for her. All of that happened to her and she was an actual hire, how would just an intern fare?

"Did you see her? She was wearing a skirt all the way to her fucking ankle like she was a mormon or something." The guys surrounding Steve, one of the men on Wanda's floor, laughed. Her skirt was not that long, they're probably just pissed she didn't give them something to ogle at. Wanda couldn't believe that the guys expected to get their kicks off at Stark Industries, a place booming in the tech industry but has such a serious air around it at the office. It's because Tony was so hesitant to hire any fresh blood. He was riding on the fact that the company has had technological advances way before any other company in the country, but would that fuel last forever? Their company partners were probably tired of seeing the same obnoxious faces all the time, but Tony liked having loyal people around.

Wanda shook her thoughts away. She hated distractions, and all of the thoughts racing through her head stemmed from the presence of the new girl. She was curious about what floor she would be on. For her sake, Wanda hoped that she was on the first floor and just sorting out mail. The third floor would be a good option too considering they were just tech nerds who needed multiple cups of coffee.

Wanda's office phone began to ring an hour or so after settling in for the day. She groaned when she read the caller I.D.


"Wanda, I have a task for you."

Wanda didn't even have to ask to know what it was, it would just make the coincidence too real.


Y/n graduated college three months ago. She graduated from Dartmouth, and while she could've easily found a job at many companies near her, she decided to pick an internship at Stark industries because she wanted to do something spontaneous. All of this information was unsolicited and she thrusted it upon Wanda. She was nervous and rambling. Wanda tried to act interested, but she just wasn't. Y/n was a kind girl, but the more she spoke, the more it seemed like it was a mistake that she came all the way out here when she probably would've been more comfortable, and successful, in the midwest.

"Word of advice, don't tell anyone you just finished college."

Y/n pouted at her "advice." It seems like more of an excuse to be mean instead of giving her a helping hand. She didn't expect anyone here to be nice to her, especially not the person who got stuck with her. But, she would've greatly appreciated it if the one person who had to show her around would be kind to her. She knew she had a lot to learn.

Once Bitten, Twice Shy  ━ ★ Wanda Maximoff ★Where stories live. Discover now