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Set was following the adults to a shrine as he carried Khonsu

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Set was following the adults to a shrine as he carried Khonsu.

Set: "We been friends since he was born. Oh? See Khony we gona be friends through life n reincarnation."

Khonsu: "Yea. It funny being his friend. He sometimes gets us in trouble with the chaotic energy he have. He also protective of me, is nice."

Set: "We like fish n bread."

Xylo: "What are they talking about?"

Kaykree: "I dont know, but it seems like they are behaving."

Everyone tried to enter the shrines area, only to be knocked back. Everyone was a little confused.

Xylo: "It looks like a barrier was placed. Huh, let's just bring then to the mess hall and have them try the new foods. We can hope we come across someone that can speak Egyptian."

Kaykree: "You do that. I'm going to get a potion that should allow us all to understand eachother.

Xylo took them to the mess hall. At first Set and Khonsu didn't know what he wanted them to do, that was until Xylo ate and motion for them to eat. Both of the gods eyes lit up as they tried different foods, they were like Nad.

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