Chapter 32

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Jungkook's POV

I finishes my 4th wine and checked the time its been 20 minutes since Lisa went upstairs what makes her take so long?

"Hey where's Lisa? We should probably open our gifts now its almost midnight" Jisoo Noona said and for that i volunteer myself obviously to go follow Lisa upstairs

"I'll go get Lisa--"

"Sit the fuck down.." I pulled Taehyung back on the chair and gave him a death glare he rolled his eyes and i let go of him and followed Lisa upstairs

I opened the door and found the room full of darkness, i saw Lisa's shadow at the edge of the bed, not moving

"Baby?" I called, she slowly stood and face me with a familiar folder on her hand, her reaction was numb, i could see the pain in her eyes

"What's this?"

Lalisa's POV

I couldnt feel my feet as i saw his information in the folder. He is alive my brother is alive and he kept it from me? he kept the only person i had?!

Luca's alive. He is alive!

"Dec. 15, 1990, Luca Manoban Chain of Command of Chaos."

As i was reading i couldn't help myself to cry, i still couldn't believe that he's near and all my life I've been waiting for him to comeback

But one sentence caught my eye, i stopped crying as i was reading it

"March 27 1998, Pranpriya Manoban 22 years old. died on April 2, 2013"

"D-died?" I whispered to myself, my eyes widen and i keep reading it all over again. What does this mean by Died? Im dead?! Im pranpriya?!

Back when i was 13(or is that my real age) my mom told me i have a twin sister and she is Pranpriya Manoban she live somewhere on New Zealand and couldn't visit here because of the low budget

I grow up believing that i have a twin sister that it is so cool to finally have the person who likes exactly what i want

At the time the Jungkook keep calling me pranpriya breaks my heart because i believe that he loves her more than me and he must be mistaken me as my twin sister

But I'm her..I'm Pranpriya Manoban

It was all a lie. All of them was lying to me, My bestfriend, My family, even Jungkook? Why?

And the fact that my brother works for the Chaos makes me wants to think that the only reason Jungkook decided to engage with me was for his revenge..

He hated the Chaos

But why keep this all from me?

"Baby?" His soft voice called, i couldn't feel anything i couldnt cry my heart out..i feel so numb from all this lies!

I slowly stood and face him with no expression on my face, i let him show the folder that i was holding and his eyes widen


"How long?" I said softly trying not to show my anger, "How long have you keeping this from me?" I repeated

"Lisa let me explain--"

"Fuck that! Answer me how long have you kept this from me?!" I snapped out, i couldn't hold it anymore "L-last month.."

I look down trying not to show him any pf my tears, i let go of the folder and looked at the ring he gave few months ago. Memories starts flashing back and its more painful to remember that he's been lying to me from the very first start

"Why did you choose me to marry you?" I whispered, he was left frozen while looking at me "Answer me Jungkook.." I looked at him with dark eyes he looked away trying not to make an eye contact with me

"Jerk. You only marry me because i was related to Luca right? That i was related to the Chain of Command of the Chaos right?!" He still couldn't answer, "Jungkook you lied to me! You kept someone that is really important to me Jungkook you know that!"

"You all lied to me..why?" I couldn't help myself but to cry in front of him, i feel so weak and hurt and the fact that its almost midnight hurts me even more

This could've been the greatest Christmas ever in my life because i got to spend it with him. With the one who i trusted the most

But i was wrong

"I-i didn't mean to lie to you Lisa" His voice broke seeing me so weak, "If i hadn't found this out, would you tell me?"

He was speechless again, i whipped my tears realizing that i was stupid for falling for this man. I am so stupid for loving him so much 

"So you were planning to lie to me for my entire life?" He couldn't look at me i know he feel ashame

"God why am i so stupid! I gave you my love, my virginity and all you gave me back is this? Lies?!" I felt so hurt that i could rip myself off, i wish i could punch him so bad but i don't have enough strength to show violence

"We kept this from you to keep you safe! I choose to marry you because i made a promise to your brother!" He answered, "Promise? Y-you met him?" He just looked at me without answering

"Tell me Jungkook, how did you met my brother?!"

"I-i witnessed his death...I-i w-was the one who killed h-him--"

"FUCK YOU!!" I throw his book at him, now all i could feel was anger towards him i kept throwing things at him causing for him to block himself

"YOU FCKN MURDERER!! I HATE YOU!!" I started crying as i was throwing things at him, the feelings is so heavy and all i want is to cry my heart out

"I loved you! I loved you so so much but why do this to me kookie?" I whispered and sobbed i feel on the floor because i was so tired of all this pain, he quickly came to me worriedly trying to help me stoood up but i throw his hands away and continue crying

As i was looking into my ring i couldn't help but smile with pain, i touched it softly knowing what to do next. I stood up not making eye contact with him and took off the ring

I handed it over to him and said "I can't marry someone who murdered my family..i can't marry you" I walked away tears still falling from my eyes, every step i took guilt keep rushing in

As soon as i get out of this room i can't see him again for the rest of my life, that i can't love him again, and i can't build a family with him..

"Baby please don't leave me, please stay with me" I felt his warm arms around me knowing the fact that this will be the last time i could feel it

I didnt move and i just let him hug me from behind, he cried silently on my neck and hearing him cry for the very first time breaks my heart

"Don't leave me again Lisa.." He sobbed, i was about to take his arms off me he even hugged me tighter causing for me to froze and cry silently

"I love you" those words makes me cry even more, his broken voice is making me feel guilty. We stood there for minutes crying silently in each others arms

"3..2..1!!! MERRY CHRISTMAS!" I heard the others shouted from downstairs, and it was the moment that i have to let go , that i have to leave him.

I holded his arms with my cold hands and let out a small smile to myself..

"Merry Christmas, My love"

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