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this is the final chapter of the story, finally we reach till the end.

This chapter will have 3 parts

- The proposal
- Their Happily Ever After
- The End



Months have passed and Lisa's tummy is quite very big now it's already been 7 months and 2 more their loving baby boy will say hello to the world

Jungkook had been very protective over Lisa's health and safety, everytime Lisa goes out he will send 4 bodyguards with her

yes.. our kookie is very overprotective, but we all love a protective husband right?

Anyways. Lisa is just sitting quietly in the sofa while reading a book about how to be a good parent, Lisa also takes care of herself she always thinks positive and ignore the negative things that happened in the past for the baby

"Lali! here's your strawberries i already washed them" Rose cheerfully said while handing a bowl of strawberries, "Thanks Roseanne" Lisa said and smiled

"Yah.. you know i dont like being called Roseanne" Rose whispered and pouted, Lisa giggled and said "Mianhae, I'm just teasing you okay?"

"Tsk, now don't laugh too hard or your little boy might come out early" Rose said while standing up to get some juice

"I wished he will come out early cause i can't wait anymore"

"Be patien Manoban, Mini Jungkook will come out soon" Rose said from the kitchen while pouring the orange juice in the glass

Rose came back with two glass of orange juice to find out that Lisa is already asleep, again.. Rose chuckled and get her blanket and put it on her

"I'm home--"

"Shhh!" Jungkook startled as Rose cut her off, he looked at what she was pointing at and it was Lisa sleeping peacefully in the couch

Jungkook mouthed "Sorry" and quietly took off his shoes and kissed Lisa's forehead

Rose smiled at the love birds and feels kinda jealous since Jimin is in New York because of businesz stuff

"Hey can I talk to you for a minute?" Jungkook whispered and Rose nodded, both of them leave Lisa in the living room as they go outside to talk

"So what's up?"

"Don't tell her about this okay?"

"Tell her wha-- oh my goodness did you cheated on her?! you fckn jer-" Rose was about to slap him but he quickly grabbed her wrist and said "What? no!", he then put down her arm

"What is it then?" Rose said while glarring at him, He sighed as he slowly let out a small red box

Rose gasped in suprised knowing what's the inside, "O M G yesss!! I've been waiting for so long" She squealed

"You're finally gonna propose to her!" She chanted while jumping cause of excitement, Jungkook giggled and quiet her down

"Don't spoil her about this okay? I already planned everything for tonight.." He whispered as he put back the ring on his pocket "Is there anything you want me to do?"

"I just need you to distract her for the whole day okay?"

"Aight then, where are you gonna propose to her?" Jungkook just smiled and didnt say a word before leaving, Rose just giggled and went back inside as her husband had called

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