Chapter 21

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Jungkook's pov

I arrived in Thailand with my mens with me, everyone thinks that i am here to handle my mom's small business but the truth is that im here to envest some money and drugs

Yes, i sell drugs most of my clients are doctors they put some poison in some of the medicines. I sell them but not use them, i kill people with my gun to aim with no mercy, poisoning is not my thing

I rode my black Mercedes car as go to the location where my clients are, mostly on their secret place

I haven't contact my fiancee nor told him about where I'm going, well i was supposed to but she didn't answer and i can't call her back because my phone is fckn dead!

"Ahh Jeon Jungkook, Welcome!" My client Mr. Saetang said, i gave him a cold nod and throw the bag at the floor

As he saw what's inside of it a wide smile flashes on his face, "I know i could count on you Jeon" He said as he looked at the drugs with full of amazement in his eyes

He gave me a case of money with a smile, i looked at them coldly as i realized it was not enough

"I said 71,599,000.00 baht, this only half" I said and gave him a death glare, "Oh Jeon just let it pass through im your best client remember?--"

"A deal is a deal! I gave you 100,000 drugs you gave me 2.3 million dollars!" My voice thundered as i said that, he froze as he heard me yell at him but then smiled like a pshycopath

"Jeon...i will pay you back just half of it this time okay? I have no money lef---" His sentence was cut off as i loaded my gun, i aim it at him and said

"71,599,000.00 baht now! Or die." I yelled, and he put his hands up and i could tell that he was shivering afraid i might pulled a trigger

He slowly get a bag full of money where the half of the bill is, i put down my gun and put it back inside my pocket and smirked

"Nice doing business with you, Mr. Saetang"

I arrived at my car and it was a perfect timing when Soobin called me, so i turned on the bluetooth so that i can drive while calling him

"Soobin is anything wrong?" I said as i started the engine

"A very bad news sir!"

"What is it?!"

"Lisa is missing!" I stopped the car as i heard what the bad news is, i froze for a minute not minding the cars honking at the back of my car

"What do you mean she's missing??!"

"I-i don't know, i-its been days since she went out w-with---"

"I GAVE YOU ONE JOB! ONE FCKN JOB AND THAT'S TO PROTECT HER AND KEEP AN EYE ON HER AT ALL COST!! AND NOW YOU FCKN DISAPPOINT ME!" I shouted my throat out, i could feel my anger is boiling and i pulled my hair in anger knowing that Lisa went missing

"I-im sorry sir b-but the last thing i knew is that she went out with her best friend"

My anger rose up as i know who is she with, she's with her pathetic best friend of hers and maybe he took her away from me!

My fiancee My pranpriya!

"I'm going home now!" I hang up and drove as fast as i can to go to the airport.

Bambam's pov

As i was carrying Lisa who is anxious i slowly put her down on the bed in the room of the secret place of IU

I stroke her hair as i looked at her sleeping face, guilt is slowly rising up as i stroked her hair

"Mianhae Lisa-ssi.."


"Where am i?" I asked as i entered a dark empty room that's only the sunlight could light the room up

"Welcome to my hidden place Bamie" She said in a sweet voice as she sat down in a one and only chair in the room

She smirked as she was looking at me, my face frowned as not knowing what she was smirking about

Don't tell me we're i being raped? Damn my virginity

"Relax i ain't gonna do sexual things to you im not that kind of sl*t" She said and looked at her nails so annoyingly "What do you want?!" I yelled

"I just wanna asked you a favor bamie" She said and looked at me with her sweet and innocent eyes

"What kind of favor?"

"Help me, get your bestfwend away from my boyfriend!" She said, i got confused of what i just heard

She's Jungkook's girlfriend?


"Yes bamie, your one and only Lalisa!" She said like a psychopath, she stood up and went closer to me and whispered

"You want your Lisa back, i want my JK back to"

I looked at her doubting, i'm going to betray my Best friend who was so true to me..

But i want her.

"What's the plan?" I asked and she looked at me and smirked

As i finish tying Lisa's hand behind her while she was sitting on the chair with her mouth shut by a cloth, i stood up to look at her and she gave me a death glare

I couldn't bare to watch me betraying her so i went inside to check on IU, i saw her loaded a gun and hide it behind her back as i entered the room

"You're not gonna kill her, aren't you?" I asked with nervousness on my tone, she looked at me with a grin on her face and said

"Oh no no, i wont do that to a person.." She said and smiled, she went closer to me and hold my shoulder and whispered

"Unless she stole what's mine."

I couldn't believe of what she just said, i couldn't do anything to stop her cause im completely frozen of what i just heard

"WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME!!!" I heard Lisa shouted with anger, i closed my eyes as im slowly pity her for what i just did

"Simply because you stole my boyfriend"

"YOU PSHYCOPATH! I DIDNT STOLE HIM FROM YOU! HE CHOOSES ME!!" A big slap makes me flinch while still closing my eyes

"Everything was perfect! Until you came!" IU shouted with pain inside her, "And enable for us to be perfect again..." I tighten my grip on my fist hoping she won't do it

"I must kill you."

My tear falls down as i heard a gun shot, i couldn't help but fall on the ground and cry

What have i done

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