Mini Holiday Special - Law

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A/N: Merry Christmas & Happy holidays to y'all! It's still technically the 25th on the west coast so I'm counting this as if I'm just on time lol :) yes, bepo is a dog in this story, please work with meeeee

"Thank you but I know what I'm doing." You needed to repeat to Law several times making sure that he wouldn't get up from his position to try and help.

Everyday for the past week, he had been pulling 12 hour shifts at the hospital. Filling in for the short staff, his days had been long and exhausting. Finally, he had a day off and you were going to make him get the much needed rest that he deserved. Despite your insistence that he relax in a comfortable bed, he'd much rather watch the current show from the couch.

Buzzing around the living room, you tried your best to decorate for the holidays. In between dinner baking, you took the opportunity to make the room more festive. Hanging silver garland around the coffee table and anything else waist high was the easy part but anything higher became difficult rather quickly.

It would be your first year living with him so everything needed to be perfect. You planned a mini winter wonderland but it wasn't so easy without his help. Trying on step stools and chairs, only the questionable bar stool with the wobbly legs was tall enough to help you reach the ceiling.

" it..." holding up a string of lights, you tried to balance yourself while reaching for the first hook.

Although he found your attempts semi-comical, he couldn't let you fall and injure yourself. "[Name]-ya, don't be stupid." He frustratingly let out huffing as he got up unable to sit around any longer.

"Go lay back down!" You tried to shoo him away before he took possessive hold of you. "You're going to make me fall!" You cried out, holding onto his hat for dear life.

Setting you upon his shoulders with ease, he gave you the extra boost of height that was needed for the job. He simply squeezed your thighs stopping you from complaining any further.

Taking advantage of his help, you accomplished more in half an hour than you would have by yourself. Stringing up the cool toned lights the living room began to slowly come together.

More worn out than he, you sprawled out in the middle of the room. Cuddling up with the furry white pooch, you could have spent the rest of the day right there. Blissfully petting Bepo, you missed Law hovering above you.

"You missed something." He crouched down, holding a red ribbon tied trimming before you.

"Oh?" Sitting up, you tried reaching for the mistletoe only for him to snatch it quickly away.

Returning it to the space between you both, he raised a sly brow. Dawning a growing smirk, it contrasted to your flushed cheeks. Swinging the decoration around, he was teasing your first move.
Yet before you could react, Bepo gleefully jumped atop Law knocking him onto his back. Receiving all of the wet slobbery kisses he could ever want, Law tried to hold him off to no avail.

Letting it go for a bit longer, you could only observe and laugh at the sweet moment. Sure that he had been 'tortured' enough, you called over Bepo freeing Law.
Noting the mistletoe haven fallen upon Bepo's head, you picked it up laying a kiss atop his head just in time for Law to witness.

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