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Cafeteria King

(A/N : Warning- also unedited..sorry)

I was still in a mood when the bell rang for lunch rang. It was too loud but I appreciated it anyway because it meant I could leave that horrible classroom. Part of me cursed myself for rummaging in the bowl for as long as I had. But another part of me, the rational, incredibly mature and adult part of me, told me to fucking deal with it. This was my first assignment in Riverside High and I couldn't afford to mess it up just because of some boy. Priscilla was waiting for me by my locker like the previous day. A tall handsome blonde stood next to her, his broad shoulders a beautiful contrast to her tiny frame. "Hi," Priscilla waved cheerfully at me. "This is my boyfriend Adam,"
I smiled at Adam before taking out the paper containing the combination of my locker. I still didn't know it off my head but was confident I'd memorize it by the end of the week. As soon as it opened, confetti fell out along with a note.

Note:  Stupid Goodie Two Shoes

"Oh my god!" Priscilla gasped, dramatically taking a step back from the mess.
"There's only one person who would do that," Adam bent down to observe the black mess on the floor. "Oh trust me, I know," I huffed, kicking the black confetti angrily.

* * *

The cafeteria was not as full as I expected for a school of one thousand. Infact, only a few tables were occupied."Most of them are outside, mostly because the cafeteria King and his friends sit on the bleachers," Cilla informed me as we joined the short line. She had asked me to call her Cilla because we were now "familiar with each other". "Cafeteria King?" I asked despite already knowing the answer.
"Zayn Malik," she confirmed what I was already thinking. So he was not only the class bully but the entire school bully.
"Can someone please explain to me why that jerk is being called a king?" I grabbed a tray from the pile. I was still bitter about the whole confetti thing and the calling me a bitch thing. At the time, I thought I couldn't stand him. That I would never fall to his feet and worship him like the rest of Riverside seemed to be doing. And in many ways, I was correct. But in many other ways, I was wrong. Read on, you'll see.
"Well for starters, his father practically funds the school. And being his friend or better yet, having some sort of link with him gives you some major perks." Zayn Malik was a bit of a mystery at first, but after I heard this, I thought I had him all figured out. I thought he was the stereotypical bad boy who was rude to everyone but also ran the school ( how that combination worked- I don't know), who's family was crazy rich but he was, for some weird reason, depressed despite all the money and power at his disposal. And that he said weird cliche things like : "Money doesn't matter," though he hasn't ever been poor. But boy, was I wrong.
"And if you're not his friend?" I asked before I quickly mentally answered my own question. I paid for my burger and energy drink and followed Adam and Priscilla to an empty table.
"Why are you asking?" Adam raised an eyebrow.
"I....kind of told him off during English Literature but in my defence he totally deserved it." In my defence, he should've just taken the book and not read it.
"That's probably the reason why he pulled out the big guns on you so quickly.He usually waits about a week before he starts picking on new kids," Adam said. Mhm, so he was a bully.
"Should I be worried?" I took a swig of my drink.
"Well....once word gets around that he hates you, you're practically dead meat. And it doesn't help that him and Jason are friends again either."
"Him and Jason are friends?" I raised an eyebrow, trying to picture broody Zayn and loud overly happy Jason in the same group of friends.
"They used to be friends, now they're just forcing a friendship. Well...atleast Jason is," Adam explained...peeking my curiosity further. "What happened between them?" I asked.
"I really don't know. But come to think of it, the two have always had some beef," Adam replied before he took a bite of his apple. Priscilla took the opportunity to speak while he was still chewing, seeming eager to say something on the matter. The boy called Zayn clearly intrigued her. "I heard they fought," she said.
"Physically?" I raised an inquisitive eyebrow.
"I'm not sure," she admitted sheepishly. "But I am sure that you need to be careful."
I gulped, regretting even agreeing to hand out the books in the first place. I had unknowingly dug myself into a hole. I'd made my bed and it seemed Zayn Malik was to make me sleep in it.



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