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Water Ballon becomes face Ballon

The next morning, I wasn't feeling too excited about school. After just a week at my new school, I felt I was ready to just go back home to Cali. But, as my parents always reminded me, Riverside was home and I needed to accept that. My mother picked up on my mood during breakfast. "Honey, are you being bullied?" She asked suddenly, sounding genuinely concerned. I peered up at her, before looking down at my bowl of cereal. The little sunlight filtering through the kitchen window lit up her hair, and her eyes looked as comforting as a mother's eyes should. A little of my uneasiness left me when I looked at her familiar yet beautiful face."No, why are you asking?"
"You would tell me if you were right?" I didn't miss the fact that she answered my question with a question of her own
"Yes of course." I wasn't being bullied. I mean you could hardly call a little shove or insult or threat bullying, could you?
"Okay," she smiled, returning to her coffee before suddenly looking up and speaking again. "How are you liking your new school so far?"
"My new school?" I had no idea why I said that. My brain was just literally all over the goddamned place. "It's nice." My casual shrug didn't seem like dismissal enough because she continued.
"And the teachers?"
"They are nice too."
"Any new friends?"
"Oh yeah...plenty." I didn't know why there was a sudden bitterness to my tone.
"Oh that's wonderful," she beamed, clasping her hands together. "Sounds like you're fitting right in and having fun."
"Yep," I nodded, popping the "p". "So much fun". If only that were true.

* * *

The water balloon hit me as soon as I stepped into the classroom. And for a minute, I just stood there. The cold water seeping into my hair and clothes, until I was shivering fiercely. I wordlessly turned back around and stormed to the bathroom before the second bell rang. I pulled my soaking wet hair into a ponytail, trying my best to dry my wet shirt with paper towels. I had no idea which direction the water balloon came from but I knew a certain somebody had something to do with it. Everyone was alread settled when I returned and I tried my best to ignore the snickers as I sat down. "Ahh Saurez! I was just telling the class about how much of your grade the Wuthering Heights term project counts," Ms Butler informed me. I nodded, forcing a brave unbothered face. "Can you please hand these out?" She held out a stack of papers. I reluctantly took the papers from her outstretched hand. "Teacher's pet," someone hissed and the class laughed. So...Adam wasn't joking when he said I was dead meat then. I began handing out the papers, almost tripping over Zayn's outstretched feet. "On those papers you will find the guidelines for the term project...." Ms Butler's voice seemed like a distant whisper when my eyes met Zayn's. "Are you my partner?" He asked....the obvious. I let my eyes analyse him, how the cold unforgiving wind didn't seem to bother him, but yet again, he must've been wearing two sweaters under the black puffer jacket he was wearing. God, he was handsome. But he was so many other horrible things too, I reminded myself. Like mean and bossy and probably entitled. "Yes I am," I kept my voice and words formal. To indicate that this was far from a casual conversation. Atleast from my side. Not after he smashed my head with a fucking water balloon. "My house, Saturday?" He raised a twizzed eyebrow, piercing glimmering under the natural light flooding through the open window and added: "Partner."
I wanted to refuse because I didn't want anything to do with him, but at the end of the day, he was my partner. I remained silent for a bit, just looking at him. He gave me a hopeful smile, his face lighting up considerably. "Sure," I muttered. He opened his mouth to say something but decided against it. "I'll text you the address then," he smirked mischievously. He had a charming exotic face if you looked past his bad boy persona. The guy was good looking, I'd give him that, and the jacket he was wearing did wonders to his eyes. His cocksure smirk made me suddenly suspicious of his real intentions on Saturday. "You don't have my numbers," I reminded him.
"Oh I'll have it by the end of the day." The stupid smirk stayed on his annoyingly handsome face. "You know you can just ask me right?" I asked, quickly adding: "Like a normal human being."
"And where's the fun in that?" He winked.
"Well, good luck," I flashed him a fake smile before sauntering away.



Hey!!!!!! I hope you're doing really well. And I also hope you really enjoyed today's chapter. This story is honestly so hard to write, especially since this is my first ever novel. I'm not a professional or anything, so the plot ....well...I think it's safe to say it's all over the place and it definitely needs some work. Juggling school, and my lessons and this is a lot. But I'm managing. I just wanted to say thank you for reading - I know I always say this but really...I appreciate you.


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