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and the awkwardness flowed in

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and the awkwardness flowed in.

"oh- uh yeah..." she mumbled out not knowing how to act when a boy that good looking was sitting opposite of her, his full attention on her which made her feel a bit insecure.

"but what if he feels weirded out...ugh just ask it already"

"i don't know why...but you look so familiar..., like i don't why i feel like i can trust you or i wouldn't have ever texted someone i met just a day ago..." she said trying to maintain the eye contact but failing.

"maybe we do know each other." he said staring into her soul but with a smile on his face.

"hey y'all i made mark buy drinks for all of us as a welcome to yuna so yeah take which ever you like!" haechan put down the drinks on the table with a not-so-happy looking mark behind him with more drinks.

everyone else came at the mention of free drinks and took one but surprisingly both yuna and jeno's hands landed on the same one, chocolate mocha. "oh uh you can take i-it-" yuna insisted but jeno took it and gave it to her "it's fine theres one more similar to this i can just drink that." he said reaching out for another drink. "thank you." she said, a small smile on her face while she poked the straw in. sana started making kissy faces between them but she stopped when yuna gave her death glares.

"everyone! the bus is here please start getting in slowly." the teacher announced to which everyone slowly got up and walked towards the big glass doors.

                                     •  •  •

"aren't you sitting with me?" she asked sana who stopped on her way to sit with jaemin. yuna looked back and saw jaemin with an empty seat beside him and let out a teasing "ohh~" to which sana slapped her arm lightly.

she saw jaemin and sana start talking as soon as she sat down and they definitely looked close, she made a mental note to herself to ask sana more about how they met and how does she know jeno's friend group and maybe even if she knows more about jeno.

she looked out of the window, wondering when they will get going, not really caring about sitting by herself because that's actually what she preferred.

but from the corner of her eye she saw haechan walking towards her but he tripped. she unconsciously got up to check if he's alright but jeno was already there to help him up. "be careful haechan-ah." jeno said and took the chance to walk in front of him and speed walk towards yuna, sitting beside her.

but what she didn't know was that jeno was the one who made haechan trip so that he could sit beside yuna, not that he knew haechan was going to sit beside her but he didn't wanna take any chances.

"hey yuna, is it okay if i sit here?" he said with his lips upturned and a small smile on his face which she definitely couldn't resist and nodded.

soon the bus was full and the teacher started counting the students, making sure everyone was there and the driver started the engine.

"um do you happen to have a bottle of water?"he asked her and she began looking through her bag, but unfortunately she didn't find one. so she stood up and looked back at sana and asked her if she had water, and she did. jaemin passed the water to yuna but when she turned back around to give it to jeno, only then did she realize how close their faces were.

jeno was staring right into her dark brown eyes which looked ethereal because of the sunlight hitting them, making them look a beautiful shade of brown. "u-uh jeno? water-" she managed to blurt out and that's when he got out of his thoughts and realized he had been staring. "oh sorry, thank you so much." he said opening the bottle and she quickly turned away, staring out of the window again, completely flustered. he smiled to himself noticing how red her cheeks became before she turned around.

they didn't talk after that, jeno was on his phone while yuna just kept staring out the window, surprisingly quiet. but then the thing she was hoping for not to happen so badly, happened.

her carsickness kicked in, bad.

she started feeling very nauseous and stopped staring out of the window. she noticed jeno from the corner of her eye, busy with his phone, and she silently cursed at herself as now he'll probably notice her wanting to literally die at the moment as her car sickness was always bad. extremely bad.

she couldn't take the dizziness anymore and put her head down in her lap, trying to calm down but she couldn't. jeno noticed her and started to worry. "hey...yuna are you okay??" he said carefully putting a hand on her back.
she shook her head weakly. "hey please get up...talk to me, what happened? did i do anything wrong?"

she slowly began sitting straight up, not wanting him to think it was his fault. "i-i'm fine it's just i-i get carsick, b-badly." she said and his face washed over with worry as he saw her eyes glassed with tears.

"can you try to sleep? i think it will help." he said trying to think of a solution. "yeah i u-usually sleep when this happens but leaning my head on the seat makes me more dizzy as it's moving too."

"you can lean on my shoulder."

"huh? o-oh no jeno it's fine i dont wanna make you uncomfortable-" but she was cut off my his hand already reaching for her head, putting it on his shoulder and his arm around her shoulder, rubbing it soothingly.

"it's okay, try to sleep now i will wake you up when we reach school."

"i'm sorry for being a burden" she quietly mumbled, her eyes closed and already half asleep as his warmth was putting her to sleep.

sleeping with someone always helped her and she definitely was a sucker for physical affection.

"shush don't say that-"
but she couldn't hear the full sentence as she was already asleep.

"-i'm used to you being like this and you were never a burden to me."

does anyone even read this?😀anyway idek what i'm doing anymore i hope it's not too boring lol

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does anyone even read this?😀
anyway idek what i'm doing anymore i hope it's not too boring lol

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