you don't know
that we're 20cm apart
the distance between you and me
i want to get closer
so do you happen to know why?
would you mind if i approached you?
i'll give you one more shot
-a lee jeno book | childhood best friends to lovers au
based on t...
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stepping foot out of that car after being stuck in it for 2 hours was heaven to her as she couldn't even spend a second in there without feeling carsick.
after taking her luggage out she took fast steps towards the gate, not knowing if she was late or not.
"seoul to canada...seoul to...canada, seoul to canada!" she repeated in her head until she found the flight she was looking for. still a lot of time was left but she decided to hurry so she could take a final look at the airport and have a meal too as she was starving and couldn't eat in the car without throwing up.
• • •
she took a seat and started eating her burger, just staring off into nowhere thinking about how much her life has changed and how different it was from what she imagined it to be when she was young.
she finished her meal and walked near to her gate, scanning through the shops for her favorite chocolates and almost squealed when she found one store that had them.
"here you go", she said after paying for them and sitting down on a seat nearby the gate.
she didn't even know she fell asleep until she heard the loud announcement.
"seoul to canada boarding now. everyone please walk to gate-"
she quickly got up and got in line. it was her first time on a plane and she was pretty nervous indeed, tapping her shoes on the floor and anxiously looking around and checking her belongings for the nth time.
• • •
she closed the window quickly, not even curious about what's going on outside as she knew she'd just get scared and her acrophobia would start acting up.
fortunately she brought enough things to keep her distracted from the almost 13 hour flight and the first one she took out was her usb and inserted it in the seat in front of her and began choosing.
she sat back and started to watch, too distracted to realize the plane was already up in the sky.
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