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"How's their mission going so far?" A deep manly voice asked as he looked at the woman standing beneath the shadows at a faraway field in the middle of nowhere. There was only one lamp post shining upon a rather strange, isolated bus stop at the side of the road.

"They are about to steal it. Little did they know we're about to make a lot of money with the same painting that Crystal is recreating." The woman sneered as she glanced back at the man she was talking to. She kept her distance but even so, they could both still see each other as they exchanged knowing looks.

"Are you sure they'll never find out that it's you?" whispered the man, a worried looking appearing on his face as he gazed at the woman near him.

If it was even possible, the smug smirk on the woman's face grew bigger, her eyes rolling as she answered with a low, whisper-like voice that sounded confident and condescending. "Never. And if ever they find out the traitor is still alive, we could always blame the girl."

"Which girl? Crystal."

"No. Her lover, Gigi."

Meanwhile, the normally ginger-haired woman with a strawberry blonde wig was outside of the brunette's door, knocking on it countless times to be let in. The words she heard at the door of her boss' office were lingering inside her mind like a nightmare that wouldn't stop wrapping around, fear devouring her body as she impatiently waited.

Crystal opened the door with already furrowed eyebrows and a white shirt that had paint all over it. "Gee? What's wrong?" She asked half of the sentence from the girl's back who immediately went inside with pacing steps, following her quickly with curious eyes. When she saw Gigi head to her art room, she cursed herself for bringing work home and not keeping it in her designated condo. "Don't go in the-"

The blonde girl stopped at her tracks when she was faced with the painting she was suspicious of the brunette has been working on, almost done and almost impossible to tell apart from the real one. She felt her blood rushing to her head as the anger enveloped her rationality, looking furiously at the brunette. "Why didn't you tell me?" Her pale blue eyes linked with the brown ones, spitting fire as she almost yelled.

"Why would I tell you?" Crystal asked with an eyebrow raised, "I thought work was off limits."

"So I can protect you!" The brunette flinched as Gigi raised her hand to rub the bridge of her button nose frustratedly, "You're not dumb, Crys. You know why I was there in the museum, you know why I pulled that stunt."

"How many times do I have to tell you? I don't need your protection, Gigi! Get that in your thick head already!" Crystal got in the way of the piece and the woman, so tired of the same conversation being open again. "What was I supposed to tell you? Hey, by the way, we are still scamming you!" Her sarcasm stung, making Gigi even more angry.

"Exactly! I could figure something out to protect you, protect us!" She took a step forward, standing right before the brunette. "It's tomorrow night! We are supposed to get it tomorrow night, sell it as soon as possible." Her eyes locked on the almost done painting. "You do realize that when this is in the market, Sanchez will be certain there is still a traitor in the scene, putting your careless ass right back in the middle of cross fire?"

"That's literally what my job description is, Gigi. That's what I have been doing in the first place," the shorter woman answered, looking up to meet the eyes that weren't on her. "What else am I supposed to do? Do you want to see the debt I'm in? Want me to go straight to jail? What's the matter with you?"

"No, Crys..." The words left the plump lips like an exhausted exhale. She ran her fingers through her hair in defeat, her voice getting softer as she tried to take a glimpse of the brunette in front of her. "I need you to be safe. I need it more than my own safety... Please, try to understand me."

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