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The events of the previous evening were all dawning on Crystal's mind as she laid flat on her bed the next morning. She looked around the bedroom, wondering how she got there and almost jumped out of bed when she realized she had given the blonde her real address instead of the decoy condo unit she used for all work purposes. She wanted to scream and scold herself for it, especially knowing what Gigi could've done to her after knowing her real home but she couldn't help to give her some slack and the benefit of the doubt, knowing what the blonde had done to save her last night from her co-worker.

She then laid comfortably back on her bed, letting all the events of the night flashed back to her. Her hand travelled all over her body to find random bruises she didn't know she had only to remember how she got them in the first place. Her fingers ran through a series of scars she had on her torso, making her flinch a little bit as she remembered how the blonde asked about her healed wounds. Unconsciously, a smile grew on her face as she was reminded of the glow Gigi had while she was talking to her about her own scars, Crystal leaving kisses all over them as she told her own story. She had no idea why she did so but listening to the blonde talk about them and earning a sweet smile afterwards seemed like the perfect reward for what she did. If she was being honest to herself, she was also wondering why she did all the things she did last night at the blonde's house. She was aware that she might've pulled the same stunt she did on her before after sex but she proceeded with the act anyway, her trust for the tall woman growing as time passed by. Even with the knowledge of her being an enemy, she couldn't help but be mesmerized by her, being curious about the blonde's life more than just about her doing her job of getting the information her team needed from her.

The brunette found herself in her guest room which she turned into an art room where she made all the original pieces she had ever since she started art school. It was surrounded with frames hanging on the walls, none of which she sold nor had anyone else look at except herself. She wasn't very much proud of her works, she knew she was a great artist but it all didn't seem enough. All the forgery she had been doing over the last couple of months were the only things she could call art, but it was all based on real arts she remade. But all her original artworks felt unsatisfactory, at least for her.

She sat there in the middle of the room in front of her canvas, running her paintbrush all over the emptiness upon her. When she did all her work, she usually preferred to be surrounded with silence. However that morning, she played in some music, one of which was the song she referenced to when she named the blonde Nathalie on the first day they met.

A few more brush strokes here and there, and her quick painting was almost complete. She took a step backward and noticed the eyes of the girl in her painting to be incomplete, she wasn't able to draw her lenses yet. Despite it being half-done, she could recognize the woman in it. Her eyebrows furrowed together as she gazed at her artwork, her eyes lingering at the perfect button nose down to the nude plump lips the woman had. Her chiseled jaw shaped her face, the brunette instinctively wanted to brush up her hand against her jaw. She pulled herself back, realizing who the inspiration for the artwork was. Even with the lack of hair color and eyes, she recognized that it was the woman she had been seeing a few times already, the dangerous person who she had been thinking about ever since the moment she opened her eyes that day.

It gave a weird feeling on her stomach, surprising herself that she wasn't even feeling a hint of fear against her attempted killer but something else she couldn't explain. She immediately left her art room, letting the painting dry while she thought of any possible reasons for what she was feeling or why she had her as her inspiration that day.

At the meantime, Gigi was waiting nervously outside Sanchez' office, stroking the tiny bullet scar she had on her arm that the brunette kissed the other night. She rested her back on the cold wall as she was suddenly being called after the Emma incident at the back of the nightclub. She was sure her co-worker already told their boss about it but she remained firm with all the rash decisions she made because of the brunette.

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