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an // quick update bc i realized its not in the same chap with ao3 lol

Minutes after Crystal guided the taller woman to her living room and sat on her couch, she was still holding her in between her small arms and caressing her hair softly as the crying almost stopped, with Gigi mumbling almost nonsense, "I can't... I can't anymore, I can't..." she sobbed against the brunette's shoulder.

"It's okay, it's okay..." Crystal mumbled before she placed a kiss on the temple of Gigi's forehead. Even though she had no idea what actually happened and was too scared to ask, she wanted to reassure her that everything would be fine.

"It's not, it's not..." the blonde girl repeated hysterically, pushing Crystal away slightly. She didn't feel worthy of the warmth being shown to her, or anything nice at all in that moment. She felt dirty and brainwashed, hating herself for almost killing a man for another just as bad one. She felt weak as her whole body crushed under the needs of her job.

The brunette was at a loss for words, not knowing how to help the girl trembling before her. She wanted to comfort her, make her pain go away but she didn't know how to. All she could do was watch as she pulled out a knife from her arm, slightly getting alarmed as Gigi sloppily dropped it on her coffee table and the sound of the metal clinking on the glass echoed in the room. The brown eyes locked on the familiar knife before her as Gigi got rid of the other one and dropped it next to the first one. Despite the fear she was feeling, she wanted to be the stronger one between them, to comfort the woman who came running to her arms.

Crystal kept her distance as the blonde girl ran her hands through her hair, another wig that felt like another layer of a personality she didn't belong to. Even though it didn't feel safe, the brunette still leaned to place a hand on the blonde's knee, "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked with a low voice as the honey blonde girl shook her head to sides to say no. "Okay, let's make you some tea first," she suggested before getting up off the couch they were settled on.

"Thank you," Gigi whispered weakly as she tried to wipe her tears away. The brunette stood next to the couch for a second, observing the woman trying to hold back the remaining tears in her eyes, before deciding she couldn't leave her like that. She leaned down to gently grab her hand, a soft smile painted on her lips.

"Come with me," she said as she tugged on the pale hand and Gigi obliged, her red eyes locked on the tan fingers slowly pulling her to the kitchen.

Crystal entered the kitchen first, her hand not leaving the blonde's for a second as she felt like they both needed warmth, her thumb rubbing softly on top of the taller's pale hands. When she finally let go to make some soothing tea, Gigi placed herself on an empty spot on the countertop. She zoned out as the brunette prepared the tea, not seeing her pull mugs out or hear the teapot make whistling noises as her ears ringed with the gunshot still. She tried to make up what had happened after the gunshots but her blurry memory only showed her standing in front of the brunette's door, waiting for her to answer, the time between the gunshot and Crystal's house felt erased.

She wasn't brought back to life until the brunette approached her with two warm mugs in her hand, giving one to her and holding the other in between both her hands. Crystal's eyes were filled with worry as she watched the woman before her grab the mug lifelessly, not even attempting to take a sip as she held it loosely. She surprised herself with the idea she had in mind but it was the only thing she could think of that might awaken the woman's attention without shocking her. She watched her for a few moments before deciding to lean up to press her lips on the plump ones softly in hopes of bringing her back. It seemed to work a little as she saw the eyes in front of her blinked and brought back to focus, a slight smile appearing on Gigi's lips.

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