
613 16 3

TW // slight assault

The brunette woman shot a kind smile to the museum worker standing behind the desk, swiping the ticket towards her on the wooden material. "Thank you!" she said cheerily before turning around on her heels, almost hitting the black haired woman standing behind her on the line by accident. "Oh, sorry," Crystal said, her eyes on the floor before she shifted her look at the woman behind her, realizing how attractive she was.

Crystal's eyes lingered on her for a second, examining her perfect features and porcelain-like skin against the jet black hair flowing on her shoulders before she shook her head to apologize again and went her way, roaming the halls she memorized by then. Still, no matter how much she went there, she wanted to give every art piece their time and see them all before she went to the one she was really there for.

The sound of her heeled boots clicking on the marble as she walked around, adoring every piece filled the hallways in the quiet hour of the place. A tingling like sensation was in her tan skin as she stopped to examine one of her favorites, carefully watching the intentional brush strokes. Crystal knew the goosebumps she felt under her skin wasn't because of the majesty of the art pieces around her. She was aware she was being watched, and she proved herself when she turned her head to face with two almost grey eyes, standing next to a bust but not looking at it.

The brunette wanted to make sure, so she took her time there before she went around in a loop on the block she just finished observing and walked very slowly to make sure it wouldn't be too obvious that she was already aware of what was happening. When she was next to the same piece again, the black haired woman was once again stopping next to the bust, recognizing she got played with how much the brunette knew her way around the place. The brunette smiled pleasantly to herself.

A shiver went over Crystal's body, remembering the confidentiality and the danger of her job and starting to connect the dots. Her hand instinctively went to the pocket of her jacket, her finger gripping her work phone tightly as she kept on walking and trying to not show she caught on. She cursed herself with a low tone, coming face to face with a situation like this for the first time since she started working for her boss. Playing the fool seemed like the better choice for her, she just prayed the black haired woman didn't catch up on her little game.

She tried to keep her calm as she walked a little faster than before, still trying to linger on the pieces to not break the pattern she followed all the way up there to not get the black haired woman suspicious. When she finally reached the piece she was supposed to finish replicating in a few days, she stopped right in the middle of it and started examining it.

The brunette woman looked deep into the piece, memorizing every stroke as good as she could. She looked into the aspects of it no one else would realize, but she couldn't exactly focus with fear still in her heart. Her posture got firmer when she heard heels clicking behind her, getting closer with every upcoming second.

The taller woman stood left to Crystal, making sure she looked busy with the piece as the woman talked with a low voice, "You know why I'm here." What she said was a simple statement, but it was filled with so much more.

Crystal kept her eyes on the piece as she answered, "I do, yeah." Silence filled the space between them, the brunette's eyes trying to focus on the artwork but failed to do so. She knew the black haired woman was trying to shake her off, to scare her and she just wouldn't let her have it that easily. Then moments later, she decided to add to show her she wasn't afraid. "But I also know you can't do anything in public."

"Public?" The black haired woman scoffed, "Now that's just kinky, Crystal." Crystal could feel her skin get colder, having goose bumps as she heard the belittling tone. The brunette already knew her name was the talk of the underground, not surprised on how the tall lady beside her had any idea who she was.

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