Arranged Marriage To The School's Biggests Jerk

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  • Dedicated to Halie Rae My Best Friend Ever

~Chapter 1~

"Emarld get up you have one hour  to get ready to meet Mr. and Mrs. Grey." said Ms. Farrow. She is my foster mom I've lived with her since as long as i can remember.  Ms. Farrow named me Emarld like my eyes and since i came in a basket with a note saying "Please take care of her for us, Love Mrs. Dulay." We figured my last name is Dulay, Emarld Dulay. well anyways today is the day i get to meet Mr.and Mrs. Grey. I'm going to live with them for a while. I hope they adopt me since I'm already 15 about to turn 16 in 5 months.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~One Hour Later ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

"Are we about there?" i asked Ms. Farrow. She shakes her head and says," about five more minutes." We have been driving for forty minutes. Ms.Farrow never told me where they live. While im waiting on getting there I get my Ipod tough out and start listening to "Check It Out" by Will.I.Am. Next thing I know we are pulling up to a really BIG house. It's almost as big as a mansion.It has a fountain of a ballerina frog and all around the house are beautiful red, purple, and pink rose. Out by the fountain is a girl about 18 reading a book. And by the door is a young-ish man and woman waving at us.As soon as we park we get out and get my thing out of the trunk we are attacked by hugs. Mr. and Mrs. Grey are giving us hugs and telling us to come in the house. We walk in to a really beautiful house filled with white, gold, and light colors. In the living room, or as i think is the living room is, its has a piano in one corner a fireplace in the back wall.

"Hello my name is Evan Grey and thi is my wife Sierra Grey. Thanks for coming and living with us we are really looking to adopt a child since we can't have anymore on our own." Mr. Grey says. "Awe thats so sad and sure i"ll try and live here for a while and if i don't like it here is it okay if i leave?" I asked. They nodded thier head. They told us they had 3 kids. The oldest was Jessica she was 22 and Tyler and Kyle were twins they were 16.  While we were getting to know each other Ms. Farrow had to leave due to an family problem.

After she left Jessica came in and took me to my room it was between Tyler and Kyles room and across the hall way the bathroom. Our rooms were on the top floor ( sixth floor) Jessica and I were alot alike she told me how everything in the house worked. Breakfast and dinner we were to eat as a family on the first floor.There was a HUGE swimming pool outback, the send floor was our parents floor, the third floor was a game room/movie theater floor, the fourth floor was a library and the fivth floor was a party floor.

As soon as i got done unpacking all my things  Jessica came and told me dinner was ready. I followed her since i didn't know were i was going...... I wonder what dinner was gonna be like.

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