Chapter 35

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Third person 

Quinn and Josh were officially together. Luke was pissed, yet he still holds onto her in his heart. He made a plan to move on. He sort of like that Charlie girl. Carson had invited the twins over. Luke bought Charlie with him. They had all gotten in the pool Quinn and josh arrived back. Quinn noticed Charlie was here. Quinn smiled at her. Charlie grinned and smiled back at Quinn. Quinn grabbed onto Josh's arm and they headed upstairs. They got into bed and watched a movie. Quinn kept hearing them screaming and messing around. She tried to forget about Luke. She has found someone new who has made her happy but Luke will always hold a special place in her heart as her first love.

Quinn bought Josh downstairs. She told Carson that they were dating. Luke's head shot up the moment the words came out of her mouth. He said he had to go to the bathroom. Quinn saw him run up the stairs. He looked odd. She looked away and drew her attention back to Josh. Carson went on about how great it was that Quinn had moved on. Quinn got embarrassed headed back upstairs. She giggled at Josh running down the hall. She walked past the bathroom, she had her little sniffing noises. She gently knocked on the door. "Are you okay?" She whispered. "Yeah I'm fine" Luke shot back with anger. "Jeez I was just asking if you were okay" she put her head down walking to her room. Luke wiped his eyes and left the bathroom. He said he wasn't feeling well and left. Charlie went with him to see was he okay. They got home. She sat down on the bed next to him. "Lay down" he smiled. She lay back and put her head on the pillow. He took a breath. "Do you wanna be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Uhh Luke like I've only known you for a while and-" she panicked. "So is that a no?". He looked at her. "I don't know! It was just unexpected that's all" she smiled. "Ummm I like you Luke I really do but I don't want a guy who's still hooked on another girl". "What!??! I'm not hooked on any girl but you". "Luke I could tell you were upset when Quinn announced that she started dating someone". "Charlie, I like you please. I need to move on" he put his head down. "Uhh I feel so stupid. I'm sorry Charlie" he said with a soft tone voice. "Luke I-". She grabbed his face and kissed him. He was surprised but enjoyed it. She stopped and pulled away. She looked in his eyes and smiled. "Sure let's try it, well what do I have to lose"

Luke felt excited that he had Charlie. He like her, just not the way he like Quinn. He had never like anyone like Quinn. He enjoyed being a player, nobody ever broke his heart, he never caught feelings for anyone........ until Quinn, but he made her a promise that he would never fall back in his ways. Except for when they first broke up then he went a little crazy, went on full fuckboy mode for a while. He felt like he was putting his life back together, slowly. Part of him like Charlie, a part of him just wanted to make Quinn jealous. He started to question himself. Is he doing the wrong thing? Is he doing the right thing for the wrong reasons?

Quinn was cuddling with Josh. He fell asleep. Her mind kept drawing her back to Luke. He looked upset earlier but she had to move on.

Quinn's POV

He's likes Charlie now, or maybe just playing around with her but I think he's getting over me. I'm happy he's moving on but it still hurts. He still holds a place in my heart. I felt myself doze off......

Luke and all the guy are coming over today. Josh is busy so I'm there all by myself. Great. I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. I got ready and sat on the couch. The door bell rang. I got up and answered the door. Wyatt was standing there smiling at me weirdly, like it was a quick reaction to hide something. I brushed it off and let them in. Luke weakly smiled at me.
Wyatt: do you guys wanna go on a trip
Quinn: a trip? to where?
Wyatt: I don't know let's go to Washington or Delaware or-
Luke: why do you always come up with the weirdest ideas?
Wyatt: I don't know like maybe I'm just the better twin
Luke pushed Wyatt. They laughed.
Carson: do you guys wanna go to the carnival in Staten Island?
Wyatt: yeah
Quinn: sure
Luke: how far away is it
Wyatt: like an hour and 30
Luke: okay sure let's go
We all got in the car and set sail. Wyatt and Carson sat in the front leaving Luke and I in the back. The guys started playing rap music. Personally I'm not a fan of rap. I connect my phone and started play Ed Sheeran. They all got pissed.
Carson: Luke and you take her phone away I can't listen to this. Luke went to grab my phone. He leaned over me to grab it from the other side. His face and I front of mine. I grabbed the phone. I had still had my hand holding onto it. He looked into my eyes and froze.
Carson: Luke hurry up!
Luke unfroze and grabbed the phone away. He paused the music and held it.
Quinn: give me my phone back
Luke: no
Quinn: now!
He turned away from me. I unbuckled my seatbelt and leaned over to grab it. The car suddenly stopped. I slipped and the top of my body fell on this lap. I looked up and he looked down on me. I grabbed the phone and quickly got back to my seat. I was so embarrassed. My cheeks got red.

We arrived at the carnival. I jumped out of the car and ran to the bathroom. I called Blair and told her what happened. On the phone:
Quinn: Blair! I almost died of embarrassment! Like my head fell in a place where it wasn't supposed to be
Blair: well it's been there before
Quinn: oh my gosh Blair your disgusting and it will never be there again
I heard her laugh down the phone
Quinn: bye love ya
I hung up the phone and left the bathroom.
Carson: what the fuck? You were so long in there!?
Quinn: never ask what a girl does in the bathroom. Now what ride are we going in first?
We all headed over towards the rollercoaster.

Third person POV
***********earlier before trip**********

"So you and Charlie are dating?" Wyatt asked. " yeah" Luke smiled. "I'm not going to tell Carson yet cause he'll tell Quinn's no I don't want either of them to know yet." Luke said. Wyatt knocked on the door. "I thought you wanted to make Quinn jealous-". She opened the door. I hit Wyatt. He realised and smiled at Quinn weirdly. He was making it so obvious. Quinn looked at him confusingly and let us in

They each took a seat. Wyatt and Carson sat together, Luke and Quinn. Quinn and Luke were close together. There shoulders were touching. Luke started to sweat. The rollercoaster started. It started to get really fast. Quinn wasn't the best with rollercoasters. There was this huge drop. Quinn was terrified. " I don't think I can do this Luke" she cried.
He looked down at the drop. "Yes you can Quinn" he grabbed her hand and smiled at her. Quinn felt butterflies in her stomach. She didn't know if it was because anxiety or Luke. The rollercoaster went full full speed down the drop. Quinn dived under Lukes arm and screamed. He blushed. The ride ended. Quinn stumbled off the ride. "I feel sick" Quinn said almost about to throw up. "Hey do you guys wanna grab the photos?" Wyatt asked. Luke and Quinn looked at each other. "What photos?" Quinn demanded. "Ya know the ones they take on the drop on the ride" Carson replied. Quinn put her head in her hands. They went to get the photos. Quinn looked at it, you could even see her face. It was dived under Lukes could also see Luke blushing.........

Authors note: hey guys I hope you enjoys this chapter!!!!!! Love yas

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