Chapter 1

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Beginning of sophomore year

This morning I woke up late which was great for the first day of school. I got dressed and ran down stairs to grab breakfast before Blair gets here she usually drops me to school cause I can't stand carpooling with my brother and his friends. I ate my breakfast and went on my phone. I jumped as I heard the doorbell ring. I'm a little flinchy. I opened the door to see Luke and Wyatt smirking at me. I rolled my eyes and let them in. "Morning loser" Luke says as he grabs an apple off the table. "Morning" I say as I roll my eyes.
Wyatt: where's Carson?
Quinn: he's upstairs he should be down in a minute
Wyatt left to go upstairs to Carson so basically I'm left with the most annoying person on earth.
Luke: hey loser can you get me some chips
Quinn: get them yourself, you do have legs don't you
Luke: why do u have to be so hard
He gets up to get the chips in a mood. On his way back he hits them of my head a laughs.
Quinn: wow that's so mature
Luke: well that's me
I heard the sound of a car honking so I grab my bag and run out the door.
Blair: hey bitch
Quinn: hey, I cannot stand those fuckboys that my brother calls his friends
Blair: they're really hot tho
Quinn: please don't make me throw up on the first day
Blair: I'm kinda nervous but excited at the same time for sophomore year
Quinn: same

We sang songs and drove to school. We arrived and got out of the car. We got our new schedules and went to our lockers.
We're in most off the same classes but 3 which is kinda annoying but my first class is with her. I was putting my books in my locker when I hear heals clicking down the hall. I unfortunately see the most annoying bitch ever Alison Price. She's so fake. She's always in heals with really short skirts with tiny crop tops with a ton of make up. Her blonde hair always curled.
Alison: OMG look who it is, Quinny Wilson
Quinn: Look who it is, the fake bitch
Alison: you wish you were me everyone does
Quinn: Alison go fuck off to someone who actually cares
Alison grunt and walking off to my brother who I see down the hall .

I meet back up with Blair and we go to our first class which is History. I hate history it's so boring! We get to class and sit near the back. I look over at the door and see Carson, Alison and Luke walk in. Well this is going to be a bad class. They all sit the the row behind us. I roll my eyes. Great. A man maybe 30 walking into the class.
Teacher: Hello! My name is Mr Reilly and I'm going to be your history teacher for the year. I also have a seating chart just so I get to know your names. When I call your name I will assign you a seat and you tell me something about your self. Mr Reilly call out the seat chart which is alphabetical.

Mr Reilly: Carson Johnson
Carson: hey my names Carson and I like football
Mr Reilly: okay you sit at the end of that row. Okay at the row of 2 can Quinn Johnson sit there.
Quinn: hey my name is Quinn and- I like music
Mr Reilly: good now can Luke Jones sit beside her
Luke: hey my names Luke and I play football
Luke walks over and sits next to me great this is gonna be a fun class. Once mr Reilly has everyone sat down I scanned the room for Blair. Since her last name is Wilson she's at the very back of the class. Mr Reilly starts talking about something but I wasn't really listening.
Luke: do u have a pen?
Quinn: who shows up to school on the first day without a pen
Luke: I do so can u just give me one
Quinn: no
Luke: why do u have to be so annoying
He grabs my pencil case and grabs a pen
Quinn: did I say yes
Luke: I need a pen so I took one
Quinn. OMG ur such a bitch
Luke: really whore
Mr Reilly: can you 2 stop talking I'm trying to teach a class
I look over at Luke and roll my eyes.
Luke: if u roll your eyes anymore today they might get stuck
Quinn: shut up

A few minutes go by and the bell rings. Blair and I split our ways and I head to math. I walk into the room and sit in the last seat in the corner. I look over and see Luke walking into the class. Omg do I ever get peace. He smirks and walks over to this pretty blonde haired girl. A minute later I hear her giggling. I don't get how anybody would like him. Math eventually ended and I went to my last class then it's lunch. The bell rings which means it's finally lunch thank god. I head to the cafeteria where I find Blair sitting at a table already.

Blair: hey how was ur classes?
Quinn: they were okay
We talk all lunch then the bell rings. We got up and headed to geography. We had a few more classes and then the final bell rang which means school is over thank god. We head to our locker which are pretty close and leave the school to the car.
Quinn: hey u wanna hang at mine
Blair: sorry can't my dad wants me to go wedding clothes shopping with him his boss is getting married
Quinn: oh cool maybe tomorrow

She drops me home and I walk I to see Carson, Luke and Wyatt playing video games.
Carson: hey Quinn do u wanna get food
He didn't even look at me he was so concentrated on his game.
Quinn: sure what ya wanna get?
Carson: I don't know do ya guys wanna get pizza?
Luke: sure
Carson: oh yeah Quinn they're staying over tonight
Quinn: uhhh whatever I'm going upstairs
I run upstairs and do my homework. I get changed and scroll on Netflix to find something to watch. I gave up and went to watch the vampire diaries again for like the 3rd time. Damon is the best obviously. I also really want a relationship like Bonnie and Enzo like they are actually the cutest. I went down stairs for cause the pizza is here.
Quinn: do guys wanna watch a movie?
Wyatt: sure watch ya wanna watch?
Quinn: ummm what about blended that's like the best movie ever
We watched blended and went to bed. Hopefully this school year is going to be good anyway night.

Authors note: it's kinda a boring chapter but it's gets better! Does anyone else love the vampire diaries? Has anyone watched blended it's so funny! By the way if ur stuck about how mr Reilly seated everyone so on one side of the room there's 4 rows of 4 and on the other side the are 4 rows of 2 I hope that makes sense now !

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