Chapter 59

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Third person

They walked into the hospital slowly knowing when they leave they'll feel a different kind of pain. Although Quinn felt numb, imagining it wasn't even happening but the hard reality had to hit her eventually. It was an a hour or two before the 'plug' as they didn't want to say the words out load. Quinn walked ahead into the room. His lifeless body laid there soon to be dead. Soon the others walked in. They decided that each would get a few minutes alone with him to say their goodbyes. Carson stayed in the room as the others sat outside. He sat down on the chair next to the bed. He fidgeted with his hands before he began to speak.

"Ummm I can't believe we're parting like this... I thought that we would be friends till the day we die, except yours came a little sooner than planned. You've been my best friend for so long, it hard to think that you're not gonna be here anymore. We've had so many great times together like when you fell in that lake when we were kids, and when we got kicked out of target cause you screamed in the intercom. Some of the best moments in my life had you in them. You are my family. You've helped me through so much. Like when my parents died and when girls would fuck me over, which doesn't happen very often may I add! You would always be there for me. It pains me to have to say goodbye let alone lose you forever but may you be at peace. I love you bro and I'll never forget you." His voice cracked as he spoke. A few tears fell down his cheek. He patted Luke's shoulder before getting up to leave. He looked at him one last time before opening to door to leave.

Blair walked in next. She sat down on the chair. She looked at him as she fidgeted with her rings on her fingers. "Well I didn't think we'd end up here. Honestly I thought the last time I'd see you would be graduation or I'd never get rid of you cause of Quinn. Unfortunately I won't see you at graduation, which is heartbreaking. I have to admit you annoyed the shit out of me" she looked down at her feet. "But I will miss you. I remember when you didn't know what to get Quinn for her birthday so we went shopping and you'd pick up the stupidest shit you could find just to piss me off. Eventually you picked up something good and I was actually quite proud. I was happy that Quinn had someone cool like you. Ima miss you loser" she squeezed his hand before wiping a tear off her face. She got up and left.

Next Quinn walked in. She walked over and sat on the bed next to him. She grabbed his hand with both of hers and held it next to her heart. Her voice was soft and quite. "Luke Jones I hated you so much. You were this annoying asshole who was my best friends brother. Who I was forced to see constantly until a project changed everything. I found the real you and I fell in love with you. I wanted to graduate with you, go to college, get married, have kids and grow old together but our time was cut short. Maybe in another world you and I would have ended up together and spent the rest of our lives with each other but we can't. I will always love you. Even though my future won't be with you, I will always hold in my heart. All of my golden memories have been with you. You made me the happiest I've ever been. You've made me smile and laugh, you've even made me cry but I know you loved me too. I wish we could make more memories together but life is unfair. I wish we didn't waste all that time not being together. I wish we never broke up, maybe this never would have even happened but we can't go back in time. I am going to miss you so much so so so much." She stoped for a moment. "I love you Luke Jones so much and I will forever and always till my last breath. I promise" she kissed his hand as a tear streamed down her face. She got up of the bed and kissed his cheek. It was cold which broke her heart even more.

Wyatt walked in. He was barely able to speak. "I'm going to miss you brother. We've been together since we were in the womb. We've never been more than a couple days apart. We were made together and I always thought we would die together. Today I feel like I'm losing a part of myself, my other half. I didn't think I could ever live on without you. I guess now I'm forced to from now on. It kills me that you won't be my best man if I get married. You won't be able to meet my kids. Your life has been cut too short. I'm going to really miss you brother and I'll see you again someday." He choked out. He felt like he was suffocating in the room. He couldn't be in there any longer. He walked out to see everyone in tears.

Quinn's POV

His parents walked into the room. I turned to him to give him a slight smile. I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. I wrapped my arms around him. He was hesitant for a moment but soon hugged back. I could hear his soft sobs against my neck. I felt so sorry for him. I began to rub his back softly. "It's gonna be okay. He's gonna be put out of his misery. He's gonna be in a better place. He's not gonna be hurt by the horrible world anymore." I thought I was comforting him but it was more for myself. A few moments later his parents opened the door and walked out. "We're ready" his mother said while sobbing. None of us wanted to be in the room when it was happening. Wyatt held onto me, his arms snaked around my waist as his head rested in the crook of my neck. He was so vulnerable at the moment. "Oh shit my phones in there hang on" he let go of me slowly as I got up to grab it before running into the room. I grabbed my phone that was still resting on the bed. I put it in my pocket then looked down at him. "Goodbye, I love you" I leaned over to kiss his forehead. As I was walked away I ran my hand down his arm. When I reached his hand I felt something wrap around my wrist to pull me back.....................

Authors note: Sorry for any typos! Hey! I hope you enjoyed this chapter I don't think it's perfect and I was think about editing it another day I just thought some of you might be dying to see this so here ya go lolz hope you guys are well. Bye xxxx

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