Fourth of July

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                                                      The following takes place on July 4th, 1992

 United States of America, Washington D.C.

"I love Independence day!" said Daxter as he bit into a hot dog

"Yeah it is nice, but isn't kind of wrong that we are celebrating it?" asked Harry, who was enjoying a hamburger, today was the first day he had a day off from training since he got to the United States, He now spoke with a American accent he had picked up, he found it interesting speaking with different accents.

"What do you mean?" asked Daxter

"Daxter, they are celebrating their independence from the BRITISH, may I remind you WE are British, so they are celebrating their victory over US." explained Harry

"So what? We probably would have just given them their independence sooner or later, we did it with Canada and the middle east." said Daxter

"So the Americans could have spared some bleed shed if they had some patience?" asked Harry

"Basically." replied Daxter

"Why does that sound familiar?" said Harry, thinking about ALL the other times the Americans jumped into things without thinking them through

"Well I never said the Americans were the smartest people in the world, but they are smarter than many others." said Daxter

"Like who?" asked Harry

"Well the French." said Daxter

"That's a given Daxter." said Harry, remembering all of FRANCE'S mistakes

"Speaking of France, when are we going there?" asked Daxter

"After I finish my training in a week, why are you so impatient? We are on vacation." said Harry

"TRAINING? You consider TRAINING a vacation? I got a newsflash for you, a vacation is when you go to the beach and watch all the hot American babes run around in their skimpy bikinis." said Daxter, practically drooling

"Why would we go to the beach to look at woman?" asked Harry

"Once you reach puberty you will understand and will be begging me to go to the beach." said Daxter "granted you will probably stare at the redheads."

Harry groaned, Daxter NEVER let that go "Dexter will you stop it with the redhead comments."

"I'm just saying, although you will get plenty of babes I doubt they will stick around once they get to know you." stated Daxter

"What do you mean?" asked Harry, although he had a feeling he wasn't going to like the answer.

"Well, your romance skills are nonexistent..." started Daxter

"I don't do romance" interrupted Harry

"you are the BIGGEST bookworm in the world, woman go for the Quidditch players, not the bookworms..." continued Daxter

"It's bad that I am smart?" interrupted Harry again

"You have basically spent the last six years making yourself into a super wizard, not bothering to make friends, which I must say has done a number on what little social skill you had before you found out about the wizarding world." finished Daxter "not to mention the fact you believe traditions in the wizarding world are stupid, which most of the wizarding world hold as basically the law."

"What do you mean? I don't disagree with ALL traditions." argued Harry

"Really? Name one you follow?" asked Daxter, Harry couldn't think of any "You do not wear robes like a normal witch or wizard." stated Daxter

"They itch" complained Harry

"You do not attend wizarding school like every other child your age." stated Daxter

"School would be boring, I already know everything." said Harry

"You do not write with quills and write on parchment." stated Daxter

"Pens are more portable and paper is easier to store." said Harry

"You do not respect the ministry's power over the British wizarding world." said Daxter

"What power?" asked Harry

"You do not plan to get a normal job at the ministry or a job as anything really."

"Why would I want to be chained to a desk? I would rather see the world and learn new magic." said Harry

"Those are just a few traditions you don't follow." said Daxter

"They are ALL lousy traditions and anyone who actually follows them is stupid." said Harry

"I got a newsflash for you, 99% of the wizarding world follow these traditions, all you are doing is deeming yourself." said Daxter

"That's what they told Rosa Parks." said Harry

"Who?" asked Daxter

"Never mind." said Harry

"Back to the original point, any woman will run once they get to know you, you are like a hippie of the wizarding world" said Daxter

"Figures you know what a hippie is but don't know who Rosa Parks is." stated Harry

"You will eventually fall like the hippies." said Daxter

"Maybe, but since I don't wear tie-dye, believe in the concept of 'free love', and smoke or inhale whatever I can get my hands on, so I think my chances of survival are a little better than the hippies." said Harry

"Fair enough." said Daxter

"Why are you so worried about me anyway?" said Harry

"The wizarding world doesn't take to kindly to people like you, people with different beliefs that are radically different from theirs." said Daxter

"I can deal with that later." said Harry

"Yeah, knowing you." said Daxter seriously, but then quickly went back to his normal sarcastic, annoying self "Now, we are still heading to France after this, right?"

"Yes, Daxter" replied Harry smiling

"OH, goodbye stupid city, hello hot sexy veelas." said Daxter, Harry laughed at Daxter and turned to the sky, looking at the hundreds of fireworks going off in the sky, enjoying another holiday.

*Thank you for the reads and comments. Hope you enjoy this chapter! Like my other story the plan is to post once a month. My group have finished one of our stories and moving to the next one. But for this account they are mine (sorta) and no need to worry.  Any way let me know if you have any questions and/or have anything you'd like to add feel free to let me know. Happy holidays and stay safe!!* 

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