Vanishing From The Orphanage

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Chapter two vanishing from the Orphanage

Vernon Dursley woke up in a good mood. He could practically taste a promotion coming and to top it off the sun was shining giving the house of warm glow of life, 'couldn't be better' the large man thought as he lumbered down the stairs towards the door for his morning paper.

'Damn' was the only coherent thought he could muster as his beady eyes looked upon the thing lying on his doorstep.

There is a small green-eyed baby lay wraps in a blanket stared up at him with an exquisite expression. It wasn't crying like his own son was at the very moment just staring. It was like he could see into the depths of Vernon's mind and discover his innermost secrets, to tell the truth he was kind of unnerved by the child's eyes which looked as though they contain more intelligence than a child, a baby, should have.

Shaking himself out of his stupor, Vernon unceremoniously picked up the infant and made his way back into the house the morbidly obsessed man dropped his nephew on the kitchen table and still it didn't let out even a whimper.

"Petunia" he said in a clod voice causing Dudley to spring into a new bout of wales.

"Yes Vernon?" questioned a horse faced woman cradling an already overweight bundle of so called 'boy of joy'

"This" Vernon stated waving around a letter and pointing at Harry. When she notices the infant on the table, she almost dropped Duddykins and her face gained an unattractive expression of severe dislike and hatred.

"Well what does it" says petunia snapping as she attempted to quail Dudley's discomfort.

After opening and reading the letter, Vernon stood stoke still for several minutes looking at the paper like it was some sort of sick joke. Finally, petunia had enough waiting.

He read the letter out loud "treat him like your own his name is Harry James Potter, will return and pick him up in 10 years."

It was written in neat loopy handwriting; petunia gained a mixed expression of disbelief anger and disgust causing her already unsightly face to reach new heights of unpleasant.

"No explanation no nothing just treat him like your own blood own and a name! Who does she think she is? Expects us to take care of this disgusting" she looked at the green-eyed boy on the table "freak for 10 years. I don't want to keep him for a day!" rage to the so-called flower not really expecting an answer.

"yes dear" Vernon told her "well it's off to the orphanage with him then. I will not have one of those freaks under my roof" Vernon stated leaving no room for argument even though none was forthcoming.

"I'll drop him off after the babysitter arrives at 11" agreed Harry's aunt.

Then the Dursley family sat down for breakfast sending the occupant off the table mixed glances ranging from discuss to nervousness. Finally, Vernon left for work and petunia began her daily sterilization of the kitchen while watching Dudley play on the ground.

11:00 o'clock came and Julie Dudley's babysitter arrived. Petunia rushed through her instructions in an effort to prevent the sitter from seeing her abnormal freakish nephew. She then grabbed her keys, purse, Harry and practically ran out to her car.

Through the entire car ride Harry just looked around without making a sound. After an hour's drive they pulled up to 1/2 decent looking building it was an average brick house with a small front yard. Vacant of anything but grass surrounding it stood a brick wall that reached just above petunia's head topping with barbed wires the only entrance seemed to be the cast iron gate she was standing in front of.

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