Learning to be Done

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Chapter 5:

The following takes place on August 1, 1991

"Alright Daxter, I want some answers, NOW:" said Harry, who wanted to know who his family was, he had found a rather interesting article in the newspaper

"Answers about what Harry?" said Daxter nervously, Harry was VERY scary when he was angry.

"My family, I read an interesting article in the newspaper yesterday." said Harry

"Oh really, what was it about?" Asked Daxter, who had a feeling he wasn't going to like this.

"Harrison Potter's Eleventh Birthday Bash, tell me who is Harrison Potter and why do I get the feeling we same more then the same last name?" asked Harry

Daxter had not been looking forward to this conversation and had worked very hard to avoid it, but he knew someone was going to have to explain this to Harry "Well Harry.... I think Merlin can explain this better then me." said Daxter

"We haven't seen..." suddenly a familiar ball of light appeared and they vanished.

Merlin's Tower, Between time and space

Harry and Dexter appeared in a flash of light in Merlin's Office, "Hello Charles Potter was not the only Harry" said Merlin, who looked exactly the same as he did five years ago.

"Hello Merlin, Explain." said Harry

"Explain what?" asked Merlin.

"Are Lily and James Potter my parents, Yes or No" said Harry.

"Yes" said Merlin calmly, who had been waiting for Harry to figure it out Harry sighed

"Is Dumbledore the one who got me sent away?" asked Harry, remembering the yelling he heard weeks earlier at Hogwarts.

"Yes, Albus Dumbledore was the one who is responsible for your abandonment." said Merlin.

"Ok now I want a straight answer, no 'I need to find it out for myself', why did Dumbledore want me abandoned?" asked Harry

Merlin sighed "Dumbledore left you at your aunt and uncle's, who were the ones who really left you in the orphanage, for one simple reason: to be mistreated." said Merlin

"So I wasn't really abandoned by my parents, well completely anyway." said Harry, for some reason that made him feel a little better "why did Dumbledore want me mistreated?"

"Harry, what do you know about Lord Voldemort?" asked Merlin

"He was a evil Dark lord, possibly the most feared ever, he fell over 10 years ago." said Harry, who knew only a little about that specific subject.

"Correct, 10 years ago he was defeated, most people believe it was your brother, Harrison Potter, who defeated him." explained Merlin

Harry figured out where he was going "But it was really me, wasn't it?" "Correct." said Merlin "Dumbledore knew?" asked Harry, he already hated Dumbledore

Merlin chuckled bitterly "oh, he knew, you had been knocked out due to magical exhaustion, so he purposely proclaimed your brother the boy-who-lived, knowing you were the real one." said Merlin

"Why?" asked Harry

Merlin stood up and said "In this case I think it is better to show you, rather then tell you" he walked over to his pensive in the corner and Harry followed, Merlin pulled out a bottle containing a memory, "I took this memory from your mother's memories, not very difficult, she was asleep at the time." Merlin opened the bottle and placed the memory in the pensive, "Go ahead Harry" Harry walked to the pensive and entered it.

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