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September 18th, 1558-


After announcing that I was finally with child it was said that the coronation shall take place in France for the safety of the unborn child and so the preparation began.

It was all going beautifully until word hit that my sister was with child- for the 3rd time. I got jealous and had a breakdown where I destroyed my entire bedroom chambers...

Knowing that there is no certainty that the child I am bearing with be a boy and even so there is no way to know if I will survive childbirth.
And then what? My child will have to rule without a mother, and Francis will have to remarry because France needs a Queen and King.

The thoughts run wild through my head thinking of all the ways I could die, doubting my marriage even! My ladies think it's completely foolish but it's something I now have to think about with myself soon to be a mother. The coronation did happen and it was none the less the grandest event France has ever seen! The celebrations started the day we announced that I was expecting and just stopped the other day! Other than all my doubts about life my days have been looking brighter!

"Your Majesty!" My servant Victoria loudly says entering my bedroom chambers, I turn to my side ignoring Victoria expecting to see my husband but instead, I see a little Nicolas snoring quietly.

I smile to myself brushing his black curls away from his eyes. I chuckle softly sitting up wrapping furs around my body as Victoria begins to open the curtains.

"Beautiful day today is, " I say smiling looking out the window, "where is my husband, Victoria?"

I stand from the mattress sliding my silk robe around my body and putting on my pattens to block the cold from getting to my feet. "His Majesty has went hunting!" Victoria exclaims joyfully.

I pause for a second look her dead in the eyes then laughter erupts from my lips. "Hunting!" My laughing clams down a bit as I rub my growing belly giggling,
"Oh Victoria, my husband, and hunting are two things that do not get along well." I laugh a little louder making my way over to my vanity.

I laugh sitting down and I began to brush my hair out, Victoria comes up behind me taking the brush, and she continues to brush my hair herself, "I say the truth only, his grace is hunting with Sebastian, the king and your lady María!"

my lady maría?

"Victoria how could María possibly go on a hunting trip when she is almost 4 months along!" I say in shock.
María revealed to the court that she was carrying early in her pregnancy and Catherine was furious, not because the king had bedded another woman but mostly scared for what the people would say.

The king already had four children by other ladies and now María shall birth another.

She even tried to convince me to turn on María saying that she would try to overthrow my future prince and put her child on the throne and I, of course, know María would never try anything like that as her queen and dearest friend.

"The prince himself requested for her to come along!" Victoria says as she finishes brushing my hair in a low knot, adding a beautiful golden jewel in my hair.

My smile fades, "Why would he do such a thing?" I glance into the vanity mirror to see Victoria nervously playing with her hands, "Well?" I stay starting to get angrier by the minute.

I slam my hands on my chair making a loud sound. "Well-" Victoria stumbles trying to find her words.
"Stop being such a stupid girl and answer the question!" I raise my voice.

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