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"Princess!" I lift my head from my book to see Catherine, my servant holding my fruits, "oh thank you!"
I clap my hands and place my book down beside me on the bed and stand up to slip on my silk robe.

Catherine places my fruits down on my table and I sit down and start to fill my mouth with grapes, "Princes" I look up and smile, "Yes Catherine?" I say eating more berries, "I would like to talk with you about my retirement." I frown at her words and gesture for her to side beside me.

"What do you speak of Catherine, you are my most loyal servant why must you leave me?" Catherine places her hand on mines and grins, "I am with child." My eyes widen, how could I not know my most trusted servant was pregnant! Or even married,
"My husband thinks it would be best for me to leave your service to take care of my children, and I agree with him." I sigh and place my hands on my lap, "If you wish it I will see it through."

Catherine jumps up in joy and instantly hugs me, "Thank you" she repeatedly says, "It's okay, I only want to see you with happiness and joy just as I am." Catherine throws her hands up and laughs with joy, "And of course I won't leave till we find you a suitable new servant, "

She sighs crossing her arms, "Because I surely will not leave you in the hands of your ladies because they know nothing." I laugh a lot and snort a bit making me laugh even more.

1558- July 18th

Catherine and some men come into other chambers that I do not share with Francis, holding portraits for my new servant, "Your grace, I have picked out the most beautiful and kind women for you to pick to be your new servant."

I smile and wave my hand for the guards to start showing me the paintings of the girls.

First is a young girl who only looks the age of thirteen maybe fourteenth but still very young, she is very beautiful with beautiful blue eyes and light red hair, "I don't like her." I shrug my shoulder nonchalantly,
"But your Majesty, why not?"
I softly smile and look at Catherine,
"She looks inexperienced and young I dislike, next." I grin and the men show me another portrait.

"This is Theresa, she comes from Greece and has worked for many Hungarian queens before!"
I tilt my head and look at the painting,
The girl has a button nose and basic brown hair.

"I also dislike-" I sigh and look out the window, "Princess I am sorry to say but you're being stubborn and we only have one more girl left!"

I shift in my seat and exhale deeply,
"Catherine show me the last girl and hurry because I want to go visit Nicholas before he has lessons."
Catherine takes a very noticeable deep breath in and sighs, "This is Victoria, she is from Spain like I and yourself, her family isn't very wealthy and they aren't of noble blood but she has experience and loves nature just as you."

My attention goes to her portrait and she is very tall with short dirty red hair and green eyes like I have never seen before, her smile is uneven and her clothes are plain but she looks kind and no matter how rich or poor you are all that matters is that you are a kind person.

"She is wonderful! Send for her soon I would love to meet her!" I smile and stand up flatting my gown out, "Really my Princess?!" Catherine says with joy in her tone, "Yes, now I am going to visit my lovely Nicholas." As I walk out I had Catherine jumping with joy and cheering.

I make my way to Nicholas's chambers and as I walk closer to his door I hear shouting from inside and I burst through the doors worried,
I see Nicholas's servant slapping him,
"NICHOLAS!" I dash over to him and push his servant to the ground.

"How dare you lay your hands ON HIM!" I move Nicholas away and grab his servant by the hair and drag her off the ground, "SPEAK!" I yell angrily loud enough for anyone to hear.

"C-Catalina-" I slap her across the face and she stumbles back, "TO YOU IT IS YOUR GRACE!" I yell louder and this time guards come rushing in worried,
"Your grace!" The guard tries to take the girl from my grip but I turn to him and give him a stern look, "Don't you dare touch me!" I yell and turn my attention back to the servant,
"I'll you again! How dare you hit him!" The servant gets free from my grasp holding her cheek.

"Nicholas did not want to go to his lessons today-" before she could say anymore I slap her once more and push her to the guards and turn to Nicholas and I see him shaking in fear, "Throw her in the dungeons and inform the queen and prince of my actions- and tell them the whole story or I will kill-" I stop myself before I could say anymore because I know Nicholas is in the room.

The guards leave the room with the servant girl and I walk over to a shaken up Nicholas, I get down to his level and gently touch his cheek and he flinches, "Are you okay, my Nicholas?" I softly ask and he nods his head "no".

" I was so scared, Lina, " Nicholas says and I pull him into a hug, "I was too, but she will no longer be able to come near you."

And I promise that.

That switched from picking a new servant to almost killing one so fast!
But anywayzZ it's okay bc Lina protect the people she loves.

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