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"You are lucky I was the one that found their bodies, who knows what would have happened if it was Henry or Francis for the love of-"

I put my hand up to stop her from saying any more, "I understand, But I did what I had to do, I won't be scolded especially from you when everyone in court calls you the Scheming Queen." I walk away from her irritated and head straight to my bedroom chambers.

It's been a few days since I killed those men and their ghost haunt me every night, I cannot eat nor sleep knowing I took to lives from this world, I am not a killer, I love flowers and the outdoors, I don't yell much or disobey my mother, I have no idea who I am turning into.

"Princess-" I turn around just as I am about to walk into my chambers I see my handmaid, Catherine, "Catherine Im very tired, what is it you need?"
I huff putting and put my hands on my hips, "His Majesty- the king is asking for you." I sigh and walk to the throne room.


"Princess Katherine." I gasp at Henry using my English name.

I made it to the throne room and  Francis is standing next to the throne with bash and Catherine is sitting next to Henry, "Your Grace, I would much rather be called Catalina." Henry laughs and I sigh angrily, "Catalina, We have decided to move the wedding up, it's taking too long and you've been here for 2 months."

I feel as though my air has been taken away from me and a hard rock has hit my chest, "The wedding will be in a few days time." My heart starts to beat faster and faster as King Henry goes on and on about the wedding, I hate how my whole life revolves around myself being controlled by people, I'm just so tired of it!

I feel the room shift slowly and soon my body collapses onto the floor my head going first, I hear muffled shouts and commands, everything is blurred and I can barely hear, suddenly everything goes dark.

My eyes flutter open but I see I am not in my normal world, I start to freak out and panic until I hear a voice, I stand up from the floor and look around seeing I am trapped in some sort of black box, as I'm looking around I stop to see a shadow, the shadow gets closer and closer to me and I panic.

Until my father comes out of the shadow and my eyes widen with joy, I run over to hug him but I just fall, "Papa?" I say worried, my father clears his throat, I stand to see my father with a happy expression on his face, "oh mi dulce lina has crecido tanto..." I smile at my papa's words.

"I miss you so much, papa!" Tears build up in my eyes and fall down my cheeks, "Mi Amor, I do miss your presence as well, but know I am watching over you and your mother."

By now my eyes are all puffy and tears are streaming down my face, "Oh papa, it all fell down when you died! Mother is marrying me off! And Antón has died as well..." Suddenly I feel a hand on my back and I turn fast to see my brother, I jump to hug him but I just walk straight through him.

"W-why can't I touch you guys!" I sob out, "Because my lovely sister, you are not dead."

"But oh how I wish to be!" I shout out at them falling to the floor sobbing, "Lina! You need to wake up!" My father shouts, "Papa why should I? I have no one!" I yell standing up.

"But you will." I stop crying and look at my father and brother confused, "What do you mean?" I walk closer to them, "What do you mean papa?!" I shout once more, my brother sighs, and suddenly a window of some sort shows up scaring me, "What?" I look at my brother with a confused look,
"Look out the window, Lina."

I slowly walk closer and I see myself giving birth and Francis is rushing in to comfort me but then the window disappears, "Where did it go!" I turn to see my brother and father gone, "Papa! Antón!" I shout and suddenly I feel my head start to hurt and my eyes open and I see Francis pacing the room.

"F-Francis?" I softly say and Francis dashes over to me, "Lina!" Francis unexpectedly grabs my face and kisses me, I sit there in shock for a second then I kiss him back, we both pull apart.

"I love-" my eyes widen but before he could say any more Nicholas comes rushing in with my ladies and Catherine right behind him, "Lina!" Nicholas jumps on my bed, "We thought you were dead...what a pity we were wrong,"

Catherine remarks, and I roll my eyes, "A pity indeed..." I say, I sigh and stroke Nicolas's black curls, "I finished my Latin lessons!"

I look up at Francis with a stern look, "Latin!? He is only eight!" Francis confusingly shrugs his shoulders, "Catherine?" I raise my eyebrows.

"If he is going to be raised like a prince he will have to study like a prince as well!" I huff and kiss Nicholas's forehead, "No more Latin, it was a pain for me growing up and surely a pain for Nicolas." Nicolas nods his head "yes" quickly, "Well then no more Latin!" I giggle thinking of my father and brother.

 I don't know if I am going mad or if I really saw my father and brother but I know what I see in that window and if it's true I must fight for my country and family.

Meaning I just have to stay alive... Sadly.

I feel like I'm ded
Im just ded and Catalina wishes she was too, hehehe
Be careful wut you wish for.

gEt dOwn On It

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