Chapter 12

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"Are you willing to take that risk?" 

Barry's words wouldn't leave your mind. He was right, the only thing stopping you was fear. Fear of losing your friend, or hurting him. At this point it felt like you'd already done both of those.

"Hey sunshine." your eyes lifted at Fin's greeting. "Hey Fin, have you seen Rollins. Cisco left me a gift for her." It was a STAR Labs sweater, he insisted you give it to her. Fin chuckled. "That kid, I doubt he could handle Rollins."

"You'd be surprised. " Now that you thought about it, Cisco seemed attracted to very dangerous women. Kendra, Golden Glider, Gypsy, now Rollins. He really did have a type.

Rollins walked in just then with a very disgruntled looking Nick. Carisi was behind them mouthing 'don't ask'. You raised a brow. Fin apparently didn't heed the warning.

"What's wrong with you?" he questioned. Said question just made the growing crease in Nick's forehead deepen. "Alright, got it." Fin replied. He took a seat, and everyone slowly gravitated to their own corners. The air was tense. You wanted to know why he was in such a bad mood, but at the same time, you were already on shaky ground with Nick. So maybe tipping the boat wasn't exactly the smartest plan. "I'm a little peckish. Think I'll go get a quick bite. Anyone want anything?" You hoped your offer would cut the tension in the room.

"I'm good." Nick answered gruffly. You frowned. You moved to get up, but the sight of a familiar brunette caught your attention. "Isn't that.." you started but Amanda shook her head vigorously, advising you not to say anything. The reason behind Nick's horrible mood was starting to make sense. 

That was the woman Nick was seeing for the past two weeks. There she was now, chatting it up with another detective in the unit. From the way she was casually touching his shoulder and leaning into him, you could tell. 

"That tramp." 

 No wonder he was angry. You could imagine how Nick felt. From his perspective it must have seemed that women were just tearing him down left and right. Now you felt bad. If you'd just given him a chance, maybe things would be different. He'd probably never take another one on you.

Even if that was the case, maybe you could do something to make him feel a little better. Your eyes caught the cup of coffee in the woman's hand and you grinned. Gold flickered in your orbs and her hand titled on its own. She gasped when the liquid spilled all over the other detective's expensive suit. He jumped back, letting out a shout at the hot liquid that unfortunately landed on his crotch. You winced a little. Most of the precinct saw what happened and you ducked your head when the eyes of your team landed on you.

"You can't prove a thing." you said in one quick breath. Amanda watched you for a few seconds, before she burst out laughing. Carisi and Fin joined in. Pretty soon you were laughing too. You chanced a look in Nick's direction. He was wearing a small smile. Hope didn't seem that lost after all.


"Thank you for stopping by Barry, come back anytime." He gave one last hug, standing at the door. "I will. I have a feeling Cisco won't mind coming back either." That you believed. He really was relentless. A knock on your door caused you and Barry to look over. You reached for the knob, opening it. Nick was on the other side, he was shuffling on his feet. He looked up when he saw the door open. "Hey (Y/N) I-" he stopped himself when he saw Barry.

"I didn't realize you had company."

"No it's fine. I was just leaving. " Barry moved over, pressing a kiss to your forehead. He winked at you. "See you soon." he said. Just like that he was gone in a gust of wind and a spark of red light. Nick stood there, wide eyed. His short hair looked partially ruffled from the wind. "He's fast." you added.

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