V- Soul

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     The Avengers all looked to Wong, "we have the Mind Stone, Stephen knows this. He'll be after the Soul Stone next. If anyone knows the location of the stone, please speak up."

"Wait, wait, wait. You mean you don't know where it is?" Scott asked, almost nervously.

"That's what it sounds like." Peter said.

"No, the Soul Stone is the only stone to remain hidden from even the brightest of Sorcerers. We've been looking for it since we've known of its existence, and yet..." Wong explained.

"Well, that sucks." Peter spoke up. Tony had the slightest hint of a smile.

"I'll consult the Cauldron of the Cosmos to see if there's any luck with finding it," Wong said and opened a portal to the Karmar-Taj library. "Stark, you try to track down Strange."

"Where do we start? You know him better than the rest of us." Natasha asked.

Wong simply shrugged, "his favorite food is sandwiches, favorite movie is 'The Outsiders', favorite color is navy blue, he dislikes swimming or anything involving water, avoids driving a car unless necessary, photographic memory, got his Ph.D. and MD at the same time, was one of if not the best neurosurgeons in the world, used to date a woman named Christine back when he was a doctor, thinks Starbucks is overrated, proudly stubborn, hobbies include reading and listening to music from any genre or year, and he can peel an Orange in a single strip. Beyond this, the man is just as mysterious to me as he is you."

"Did you guys have a trivia night or something?" Rhodey asked in amusement.

"Just things he's either told me or I've noticed." Wong answered and stepped through the portal, closing it behind himself.

"Alright, well... ahh." Tony thought for a moment. "We'll split into teams. One finds this Christine girl, one looks for the Soul Stone and keeps Vision safe. Sound fair?" Everyone nodded. About five minutes later, the groups were decided.

Tony, Rhodey, Peter, and Natasha would find Christine.

Wanda, Clint, Scott, T'Challa, Steve, Bucky, Thor, and Sam would look for the Soul Stone while keeping Vision safe.


Though difficult, Stephen eventually managed to track the Guardians down to a planet he wasn't familiar with. It was mostly dull yellow with accents of rich purple. The sky was a familiar light blue but with purple clouds and both the moon and sun were visible. In what he assumed to be the main city, teal-colored humanoid people with antennas and mouse tails wandered around. The brick streets were packed with people. Children played without fear, vegetation waved at him as he passed, shopkeepers tried to get anyone and everyone's attention. Buildings ranged from rugged-looking shacks to loopy structures architects on Earth would marvel at. So really it was just a weird New York City.

He walked up to the friendliest looking shop keeper. (She?) smiled and gave him her full attention, "Hello, how can I help you?"

At least they had Earth-like manners, always a plus. Stephen answered as he pulled out a photograph, "I'm looking for these people. Have you seen them or know how I can reach them?"

"You must not be from around here," she said. Stephen could barely hold back a sarcastic comment as this teal alien with her dark blue antenna poking through her magenta hair and her bald tail swaying in the background as she looked at the picture. Didn't take a genius to figure that one out, Miss Lady. "I believe I recognize the tree one."

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