VI- Mind

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A/N: An edit I made for this story is linked above if you wish to check that out. (Of course, there are slight differences, sadly.)

     Stephen looked in the mirror and didn't recognize the person staring back at him. As soon as the stone was in his hands, he portaled back to Nebraska and hid it in the old wardrobe. Only one stone to go, then he could let himself rest, not until then. Not even as his heart screamed in agony and his body begged for mercy. He didn't deserve it. His eyes clamped shut as the memory taunted him.

     "Stephen, what's going on?"

     "Christine, I am so, so sorry. I love you."

     A portal sparked to life and he walked through it, into the familiar landscape of New York, only a few blocks away from the Sanctum. He found his favorite restaurant, a small, family-owned café hidden away within the concrete jungle. He ordered a coffee and a Hot Ham and Cheese sandwich before sitting out on the porch, waiting like a hunter for its prey.


     "When was this?" Wong asked.

     "About ten minutes ago, a few blocks away from Bleecker Street." Shuri answered.

     "We don't know what to expect, but that's okay. Unpredictability is a dangerous weapon wielded correctly, and that's something Strange has mastered. But we can still have the element of surprise. We need all the help we can get." Steve preached to the room. Almost everyone stood up, silently agreeing to fight. "And remember, our goal is to be civil. Strange is a good man at heart. He's just doing what he thinks is right."

     "So basically what the spangled man is getting at is, we need help. Strange may fight, he may not, what's important how this little confrontation ends. He already has five of the stones. The last being stuck with Vision." Tony said. "Wong, you mind?" A ring of sparks lit up the room. Tony turned towards his fellow Avengers, "any last words?"

     "Let's get this bread." Peter chimed.


     Steve, Tony, and Thor found Strange sitting at a local café, seemingly content with his small meal and reading a book with earbuds blocking out the world. He wore casual clothes. A navy blue shirt and jeans paired with a black, comfortable-looking jacket. Tony couldn't help but notice the shattered watch around his wrist as they got closer. This Stephen wasn't anything like the Strange he had envisioned. Tony sat opposite of him, "is the food here good? I'm starving."

     Grey eyes met brown, both plagued by a certain darkness. Stephen took his earbuds out and put his phone in the jacket pocket. "Depends on what you like. If you're a sandwich guy like myself, these are the best you'll find in the state."

     Tony's gaze briefly shifted to the right, where Thor and Steve remained in the background. "I'm Tony Stark, by the way. In case you didn't know."

     Stephen had a small smirk, "anyone who isn't living under a rock knows who you are, Iron Man. I'm sure you know who I am." He nodded to behind himself.

     "Yeah, about that. You're not really acting like a guy who wants to take over the universe."

     "Because I'm not."

     "Why are you collecting all the stones then?"

"I'm sure you're working with Wong, hasn't he told you?"

"Yeah, but I wanna hear your story. No matter how flat the pancake, there's always two sides."

Stephen chuckled slightly, "did you just quote Dr. Phil?"

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