From Here...

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Dean's POV (still)

Monday morning came with a rude awakening from my alarm clock. Sunday had been spent sitting on Castiel's couch in his basement bedroom and playing video games.

I rolled out of bed to shut off my alarm clock and headed to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw my hair was a mess. Usuallym it isn't too bad and I can fix it with a comb, but today was proving to be a little more difficult. I wetted it down with some water and ran a comb through the front. Once I was satisfied with how it looked, I went back to my bedroom to find my Sam sitting on my bed holding my phone out to me.

"You got a text while you were in the bathroom, so I went to check to see who it was," Sam said, handing me my phone. "Who's C?"

"Nobody," I said too quickly. "Nobody. It's nothing. Get out so I can change"

Sam left and I threw on  some dark skinny jeans and a grey AC/DC t-shirt. I picked out my blue converse and a blue beanie to match.

Before I walked down stairs, I stopped in the bathroom one last time to make sure I looked decent. I don't normally, but today was special. It was the first day Cas and I would officially be a couple at school.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Jo sitting at the table, tiredly eating a piece of banana bread. Sam was pouring himself some cereal.

"Good morning, Jo," I greeted her cheerfully.

"Oh look at that. Dean-o, up bright and early," she set down her banana bread to take a sip from her orange juice. "Who are you and what have you done with the real Dean Winchester?"

I just laughed and decided I would get to school early today, but that decision was maybe a little bit influenced by the fact that Cas gets there early. I grabbed my keys off the hook in the entryway and strode out to my car.

My baby looked as good as ever. The snow was starting to melt, so when t melted off my car, it left her looking nice and shiny. I got in and stuck the key in her ignition.

"Aww listen to her purr today," I whispered to myself. I put it in drive and was on my way.

Castiel's POV

I woke up extra early today to make sure I looked my best. I showered and attempted to gel my hair but it was just downright impossible. There was never a day where I could make my hair go where I wanted it to go. After a while I gave up and went back to my room to get dressed. It wasn't like this was a date, but it was an important day for Dean and I. I threw on some regular jeans, a black t-shirt and my letter jacket. I got it my freshman year playing football. They had never had a freshman as a starter on varsity before, so it was really speical for me. All except for the fact I didn't really even want to play football. Let's just say it was mostly speical for my dad and brother.

I went upstairs to see what we had for breakfast. Opening the cupboard doors, I saw we had next to nothing. Being rich didn't always mean you had food all the time, trust me. Anna came walking down the stairs soon after I was slamming the cupboards shut.

"Would you be quiet?" she asked. "Some of us don't have first period today."

I just laughed and ran a hand through my hair to attempt to smooth it out again."You still have to get up for school," I retorted. "If you want a ride that is."

"Shut up, Cassie," she spat back, obviously tired but I didn't care. "I'm going to go get ready," she said and left me standing in the kitchen.

I sat down at the table and took out my phone. I guessed Dean would probably be awake by now, but you never really know with him. I sent him a text saying good morning. I didn't get a reply until I was at school.

"Good morning, Cas," Dean said, giving me a warm hug. "How are you?"

"Wonderful, now that I've seen you," I said into his shoulder.

He let me go but kept his hands on my shoulders. I felt my face get warm and I looked anywhere but his face. I wasn't embarassed to be there with him like we were, just a little scared for his safety and mine. Our school wasn't against the whole homosexuality thing, it was just that they sure didn't expect the star of the football team to be the one to be involved in it. 

Someone leaned over to their friend and whispered in their ear. Then, about 50 more people did the same thing. I took Dean's hand and walked into first period. He looked down at me and I just looke dup and shrugged. There was nothing we could do, and I actually liked Dean so I wasn't going to let aything get inbetween us being together. At this school, I was known by everyone and respected, so I knew damn well there was no way anyone would get to me.

We didn't have our second class together, but between classes Dean came up to me.

"Hey, Cas, you wanna ditch the rest of the day?" he asked so no one could hear us.

"Hell yeah," I said and we snuck out the door by the gym. 

We got into Dean's car and just sat there for a littlw while. 

"So, Dean, why did you want to skip" I asked.

"Just to spend time with you," he said staring out the window. "I know we're in a relationship but I hardly know you Cas. I want to get to know you better. Your likes and dislikes; more about your famiy; weird fetishes; everything."

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