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(Castiel's POV)

I heard some car tires crunching on the dirt road behind me. When I turned to look, I saw a beautiful black 1967 Chevrolet Impala sitting there. Though I couldn't see who was inside it, I knew I wanted to know. 

A while after the vehicle left, I got in my car and drove off. On my way home, I passed the same car again, but this time it was at Jo's house. You know, Ash's girlfriend? Why was it there? I was sure as hell it wasn't Ash's sweet ride, seeing as the last time I had seen his car, it was a piece of crap Ford Taurus. I coud only imagine the look on his face when I told him there was another guy's car there. He would be so pissed. So, naturally, I called him right away.

He answered on the thrid ring. "Yeah Cassie?" he said on the other end of the line.

"Dude, there is another guy's car at Jo's house," I said, smirking even though I knew he couldn't see me.

"What kind of car is it?" he asked, his tone becoming defensive.

"A sweet black '67 Impala. I saw the car earlier, too," man was I having way too much fun with this. It's not like I didn't like Jo. She was awesome, but it was so much fun to mess with Ash.

"It's her cousin's car," he sounded relieved. "Dean Winchester. He works at the Roadhouse now."

Dammit, only Dean. "Yeah, I know he works there, I was there earlier, remember?"

"Yeah, I know. Listen, I gotta go. Plus it would have made me more pissed if she wasn't here with me right now," he said matter-of-factly, and hung up on me.

Dean. He seemed different than everyone else. Not necessarily in a bad way, though; he just didn't seem to like people's company for more than five seconds. I had my own friends anyway. I didn't need to help him make his own friends. Plus, I'm sure he wouldn't like to hang out with me and my friends.

My phone rang. "Hello?" I answered.

"Cassie, you gotta come here right now!" Charlie shouted from the other end of the line.

"On my way," I hung up and drove off. As I made my way to Charlie's house, I wondered what was wrong. I mean, she just got dumped yesterday, so it isn't like she could have gotten another girlfriend and gotten dumped within fifteen hours. Well, it was Charlie...

I got there and ran inside. "Hey, Becky," I said, running through the kitchen. "Where's Charles?"

She pointed to the basement and I sprinted down the stairs. When I got there, she was lying on the gound watching Doctor Who or something.

"Dude, Charlie? What's up?" I asked frantically. 

"Oh, I just needed to get you here," Charlie said without looking away from the TV. I just glared and sat down beside her. "Oh hey," she said a moment later, turning to look at me. "There's a party tonight at Lisa's and you should go. I'm going to. She is a hot one..." she said trailing off.

I shook my head at her comment. "Fine, I'll go with you. What else am I going to do?"

"Be a loser and spend your Saturday night at home?" she said laughing.


Charlie and I pulled up to Lisa's house at 9:01. The party started at 9:00 but I'm certain there have been people here since 8:00. We walked up to the door and were greeted by a most certainly high junior. I don't remeber his name, but I do remember that he was only wearing a shirt and boxers. He waddled out to the lawn and layed there staring up at the sky, seeming to count the stars. Charlie looked at me and we laughed and walked inside.

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