First Dates

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(Castiel's POV)

I texted Dean a couple of times after he left the coffee shop we ate lunch at. He had kissed me again and I had no idea what was going on, but for some reason I started to kiss back right as he pulled away. When he pulled completely away, his face turned a bright red and he started muttering things I couldn't really hear. All of a sudden his head whipped up, he said, "I'm sorry, I'm rambling. I should get back to work" and left. I saw him get in his car and sit there for a few seconds before going outside to talk to him. He saw me head for his car and he started it up and drove off. 

I didn't know what to make of it except that this incredibly attractive boy had kissed me for the second time within fourteen hours and I kissed back. I was falling for the boy with green eyes.

Speaking of his looks, he was the most attractive person (other than myself, of course) I had seen. He was the total opposite of the kind of person I would usually go for in many aspects; though the most important was his gender. Dean had this sort of look that said "someday I will either be a successful artist or a high-functioning sociopath". Any time I saw him, he was always wearing black everything and a band shirt. I mean, I had only met him on Friday, but I had seen him around town before and never thought anything of it. Dean had always seemed, to me at least, like there was something about him that had shaped him to be what he was today, and I wanted to find out.

He never answered my texts or calls, I just wanted to talk to him about it and say that I wasn't angry. I couldn't get a hold of him, so I texted Ash.

Me: Hey, Ash. You seen Dean around today?

Ash: Yeah, every one left work early, super slow day. He's probably at home.

Me: Oh alright.

Ash: okayyyy I'll talk to you later then

Me: bye

Great, so Dean was probably at home. I drove to his house, which I also knew as Jo's house, and knocked on the door. A boy who looked about Gabriel's age answered the door.

"Yeah?" the boy said. He may have looked young, but he was incredibly tall.

"Um, I'm Castiel," I said. "Is Dean here?"

"Yup, lemme go get him," he said before bounding up the staircase. Moments later, Dean came shuffling down the stairs and to the door.

"What, Cas?" he asked. Dean seemed like he was on edge. "Look, I already said I was sorry, okay?"

"Dean, what do you have to be sorry for?" I asked, slightly dumbfounded that he would apologize. " I didn't mind, if that's what you mean." I said with a smirk.

"Oh - I - um," Dean stammered.

"Dean, would you like to go out on a date with me?" I said, the words rolling off of my tounge before I knew what I was doing. The words just kept coming and I couldn't stop them.

"Um, s-sure, I guess so," Dean said quietly. Almost like he didn't know how to answer, because, frankly, I didn't know what I was asking.

"Okay," I said, trying to stall a little. I pulled out my phone and checked the time: 2:14. Perfect. "Okay. Do you want to go tonight? Or some other time?"

"Oh, um. Tonight I guess," he replied.

"Great, I'll pick you up at 7:00," I said, and walked back out to my Charger. 

He closed the door and went back inside. I got in my car and drove around the corner to sit and actually think about what I just did. I just asked Dean, another boy, out on a date tonight. Hell, I had never even asked another girl out on a date. Whenever I was with a girl, it was always because of Charlie. But Dean was different somehow. I felt like I didn't have to keep up the impossible jock act and I could actually be me.


It was nearing closer to 7:00 and I had to leave at least ten minutes before to be there one time. I had showered and put on dark jeans that were borderline skinny jeans, a black dress shirt, and a dark blue tie. I didn't really have any nice shoes except the pair I wore to prom last year, so I threw on my classic black Converse. My hair was hopeless, I've known that since I was in 5th grade, but I still attempted to make it look nice.

I got in the car and sat there for a moment trying to think of what I was going to say when I got there. I couldn't think of anything, so I decided I would just wing it. What could go wrong? 



Oh. My. God. I feel so bad that this is such a short chapter but I didn't want to make a super long one and fit the whole date. I am still thinking out the whole date and thinking I might put a little Sabriel in here too!!! 

I like feedback, so let me know how I'm doing in the comments or message me. 


Avery :)

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