Chapter 26

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3 months later....

I paused as I brushed my hair in my vanity mirror. I stared at a girl that was so unfamiliar, but in a good way - a healthy way. Over the months I gain some weight, happy weight as Eli liked to tease. My face full, hair thicker and an overall brighter aura - gone was the years of abuse and ill treatment my father had bestowed apon me.

I had also developed my own sense of style, going for a more dainty and cute style of wear. I've been mastering all my classes at school and taken up volleyball. Things seemed to be going perfect.  Too perfect.

There was a knock at the door breaking my stare off with my reflection in the mirror.

"Come in," I called out. A blonde unfamiliar head poked in.

"Hello, ma'am," she grinned. " I'm here to take your measurements for your gown?"

I stood up suddenly remembering the reason why I was making myself decent in the first place.

"Yes yes, please come in," I waved her in.

She pushed herself the rest of the way in, toting a duffel bag. She rushed up to me, spreading my arms apart and and parting my legs. I looked like a starfish. She was bubbly, fast speaking  and smelled like flowers.

"So, I was thinking LACE, and lots of it-," she started. I drowned out her voice as my mind startes to wander.

The inauguration was approaching.

It's not that I was getting cold feet, but I was nervous; anxious. Especially with everything that's been going on with me and Liam.


We've been taking baby steps in the relationship over the past few months. Trust building. My father did a toll on me and I would be lying if I said that it hasn't affected the pace at which me and Liam are advancing in our relationship.

We have not been intimate.

Sure we sleep in the same bed, but it troubles me at times thinking if I'm enough for him. I know he craves more, but like he has said himself, we don't have to do anything until I'm ready for it. But that doesn't rest my worries, especially my wolf, Savannah.

She's been on edge lately. She's more distrusting than me. But how can I blame her? Liam has been giving her a reasonable doubt.

Every night, like clock work, his phone rings at 9pm. Often times we're already cuddled in bed, watching reruns of my now favourite crime series, NCIS, or just hopping out of the shower. I've never heard the nature of these calls, as he always takes them on the balcony. I've tried to listen in a few times but I can only get so close without him seeing me.

Then there was last weekend. He left early Saturday morning and didn't return until I was already settled in for the night. I mean I'm used to him taking full day trips for business but something felt way off that day.

Savannah whispered," Just ask him!"

I sighed. The lady stopped mid rant.

"I'm sorry, I must be boring you woth all this dress talk," she smiled small, slightly thrown off by my sigh.

"No,no, it's not you," I reassured her. "I - I just have something I have to deal with reslly quick"

She nodded. "Of course, we're just about done here anyways"

I nodded, thanking her and slipping through the door leaving her in my bedroom.

I made my way down to the only place I know Liam would be. In his 'man cave' with his beta and few other friends. I knocked when I reached the door and slipped in not waiting for an answer.

They were engaged in a card game. Liam looked up immediately, curious as to who would come in so bravely without waiting for approval. He smirked when he realised it was me.

"Hey, babe," he said. Gosh I loved to hear his voice, so velvety and deep.

"Don't get distracted," Savannah snapped.

" Can I talk to you?," I asked. He nodded.

"Sure," he started. " How about after I-"


Noah whistled. "Aight, imma head out"

He eased out of his seat and out the door swiftly along with the other boys.

Liam looked amused.

He scoffed slightly. "Come here," he motioned, tapping his lap.

I internally reminded myself as I made my way over to him to remember the game plan and to not get distracted. I sat on his lap, legs drapped over his, his arm around my back.

"What's on your mind, sweetheart?," he asked.

I closed my eyes and cleared my throat, preparing myself.

"Last Saturday, when you didn't come home until late, where did you go?"

He still wore his amused smirk. "Business, baby. Like I told you that morning before I left. I had a very long conference with the Alpha from the pack up north"

I nodded. "Okay. And may I ask who have you been talking to almost every night on the phone?"

The amused expression was still there, only know he bore a raised eyebrow.

"A friend of mine, from Spain actually. He uh- he only calls around that time because of the time difference," he answered. " Katie, where is all this coming from?"

"I'm just curious," I shrugged.

"Baby," he said bringing his face closer to mine and placing a small kiss to my nose. " You don't have anything to worry your pretty little head about. Okay?"

I nodded.

"Now, if you're done doing all special agent on me, how about we head down for some dinner?"

He stood, sliding me off his lap and leading me out the room.

I still wasn't buying any of it. Something in his tone was definitely off. Savannah was right. He is hiding something, whether good or bad.

Call me special agent Katie, cause I will definitely get to the bottom of this.


Hey, guys! I'm so happy to be back.

Will definitely be trying to get some regular updates in. Look out for a cast call soon! Gonna be posting pics of actors that I vision in my head for the characters.

See you soon!


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