Chapter 13- Luna

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“ You shouldn't eat all those cookies at once, Katie. You'll get sick," Liam scolded as I held a cookie an inch away from my mouth.

Despite his words, I quickly shoved the cookie into my mouth. Liam's deep chuckle filled my ears.

“ Fine, don't listen to me. You're the one who'll have the belly ache," he said.

We were at the forest clearing once again. It was a sunny, bright day and clouds littered the sky. All the forest's creatures roamed happily about and free.

“ Hey Liam, remember when I asked you what a Luna was at your birthday dinner?," I asked.

He nodded. “ Of course. Why?"

“ Well, you mentioned that a Luna is an Alpha's mate. Does that make me a Luna?"

A smile grew across his face. “ Not yet, but someday"

“ How soon is someday?," I asked.

“ Well you said your birthday is in October, so sometime around then," he answered.

I nodded in response. “ Does the Luna have a special job like the Alpha does?"

His eyebrows knitted in confusion. “ How come you're asking so much questions about basic pack leadership?. Didn't you know this from your other pack?"

I shook my head. “ I didn't live with my old pack"

“ Why?"

I contemplated for a moment on how I was going to tell him this without revealing too much about my past.

“ My father preferred to live away from the pack home," I answered. Liam merely nodded.

“ The Luna is responsible for basically keeping the Alpha in line, and she can also be responsible for helping the women in the pack"

“ Okay," I said.

He stretched back and laid himself on the grass, a childish grin on his face as he pulled me down towards him so that my head rested on his chest.

“ Don't worry Katie, you're gonna make  perfect Luna someday," he said as he trailed the tips of his fingers up and down my arm.

“ You really think so?"

“ Yep, and then one day we can have a family together," he said.

A family.

The one thing I've been living without for the past thirteen yeas and the one thing is never thought I'll have again. And here he was, my mate, giving me the chance to have one.


Barry's POV ( Katie's Dad)

A heavy feeling settled in the pit of my stomach as I stared at the framed picture in my hands.

It was a picture of Maria, Katie and myself, smiling without a care in the world. Maria was wearing her favorite green dress that day which made her golden eyes pop as her caramel hair cascaded pass her shoulders. She's been gone almost fourteen years but the heart ache is as fresh as day.

Everyday she crosses my mind and it brings back pleasant yet painful memories.

She's been gone a while too.


Heaven knows where she took off to. If she's alive, alone or hurt. The human part of me had always cared for Katie but my wolf resented her. I know my wolf somewhat blamed her for our mate's demise and that resulted in the abuse.

Maria would have my head if she knew what I had done. I had ruined our daughter's life and driven her away.

Author's Note:

Hey again!. Two updates I n one day! Whoop, whoop!

What do you think about this chapter and Katie's Dad's point of view?




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