Chapter 27- Lady's Intuition

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Katie's POV

It was now after dinner and I had returned to my room and dove head first back into my crime series.

They had just questioned a woman on her whereabouts the night her husband was killed and of course she flunked. She killed him because he had been having an affair.


Would Liam cheat on me?

I let my mind wonder into places I know it shouldn't be. But I just couldn't help compare the husband's behavior in the beginning of the episode to Liam's own sketchy behavior.

Late nights. Mysterious calls.

"Dont," I told myself. You're doing that overthinking, overanalysing thing.

Still, I slipped out of bed and into my crocs. I padded to my door and out into the hallway. It was probably midnight by now and most of the pack would be asleep.

Coming around the corner quietly approaching Liam's office, I almost bumped into a maid and played it off like I wasn't just about to sneak into her Alpha's office.

Why is she mopping at 12am anyways?

When she was far enough down the hallway, I turned the knob to Liam's office and luckily it was unlocked. I slipped in and closed the door behind me. The lights were off, so I cautiously walked over to his desk and flicked on a single lamp.

Okay Katie, make this quick.

Annabelle, the lady from the crime show, found hotel receipts of her husband's getaway with his mistress. I thumbed through his file drawers, being sure to note anything that stood out.

Going through my second file drawer I ended up giving myself a paper cut. The sudden sting made me come to a stop. Am I really going through my mate's files with the intent to catching him cheating?

When did my relationship become like this? Liam has been nothing but great to me since I've gotten here.

If you leave out the part where he basically kidnapped me and dragged me back to his home.

I sighed. This was really uncalled for.

As I was placing the files back, something shiny in the moonlight catch my eye from the corner of the room. I gazed landed on a small black safe, the key dangling in its keyhole was what was shining.

I made my way over to safe, softly opening it. I couldn't see that well inside the safe, so I reached in and pulled out what my hand touched first.

Cold Metal.

A gun.

What in the bean boggles was Liam doing with this? I set it aside, reaching into the safe again this time pulling some folders and a jar filled with bush. Weird but okay.

I looked through the folder, coming across some of his personal documents, passports, IDs, until I got to the back; and there it was.

A photograph of Liam and a redheaded lady. He was holding her from behind, both sporting broad smiles and dressed in winter gear. Savannah groaned in distress.

Maybe she was just a friend?

Suddenly there was a thud from behind me. I swung around. Noone was there but I quickly stuffed the items back into the safe, but I pocketed the picture. Soft voices started to resonate around me and thats when I realised that it was coming from the other room. Liam had a dressing room attached to his office. I creeped up to the door, cracking it open to peek through.

Liam stood in the middle of the room in all his handsomeness, dressed in a blue suit. He was probably having his fitting done too. Noah lounged in a chair beside him, watching him with a semi bored expression.

"How this look?," Liam asked Noah.

Noah shrugged."Eh. It would look better on me"

"You're such an ass," Liam scoffed.

"What can I say, mans got the looks," he laughed and leaned forward. "Speaking of looks...."

When he trailed off Liam turned to watch him again with a raised brow whilst adjusting the suit jacket.


"How are things with you and Katie?," he asked.

"Great actually. Slow but we're getting there. Why do you ask?"

Noah chuckled. "C'mon man I've been your best friend since forever. I've seen the girls you go after and in all fairness, Katie is not your type"

"She's my mate," Liam snapped

"I know that," Noah countered. "But I'm just being honest"

He leaned back in his seat and held Liam's glare for what seemed like forever.

"You're right,"Liam admitted.


I didn't need to hear anymore.

I slowly closed the door back in and slipped out into the hallway and made my way to my room.

I'm not his type? I'm his mate for God's sake!

I changed into my night gown and crawled under my covers, my mind and wolf boggled over what I just overheard.

Suddenly there was a knock and my door swung open.


He smiled. "Hey princess "

"Hi," I crooked out with a half smile.

He left himself in and made his way over to my bed. He had changed into some grey sweats and a white tee.

Man he looked good.

"You need to control your hormones, girl," Savannah groaned. She still doesn't fully trust him and now with what we overheard? I don't think she will anytime soon.

He hovered over me on the bed, gazinh right down at me with the cheesiest grin. He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"I missed you," he said between kisses.

I couldn't help but melt into him. I mean he's my mate in all fairness. I curled my fingers through his thick blonde curls and he groaned. We made out for a bit until he pulled back, eyes dark.

"Do you trust me?," he asked.

"No," Savannah said.

Yet I said,"Y-Yes"

He smirked and proceeded to slide his head under my night gown.


"Shhh," he said. "It's okay. If you feel uncomfortable at anytime let me know and I'd stop"

I shook my head and he resumed. My cheeks flushed.

What the hell was he even do-

I gasped loudly when I left his wet tongue part my most intimate area.

Oh gossshh.


Author's Note:

Hey there!

I'm back working on this book now so expect more frequent updates.

Virtual Hugs!


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