Chapter 18- What lies within the forest

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I had been wandering for a while now. I was pretty sure I had long passed Liam's territory. I didn't know what I was doing or where I was going. I just walked and ran and walked again.

I was surrounded by trees, birds and scampering animals, as I wondered I they noticed me missing. I noticed my shoelace untied and bent down to tie it. Suddenly, there was a rustling in the trees beside me. I jumped in shock, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up. The air around me chilled.

Suddenly a shadow appeared from behind the tree. He, she, it, what starting to stark towards me and I backed up only to come in contact with a tree trunk. The darkness around the shadow soon faded and I was able to see the person clearly.

His skin was pale white, and he had a strong chiseled jawline. He had dark hair red lips and gleaming red eyes. He came to a stop just in front of me.

“ Hello," he said in a velvety voice. His breath hit my face cooly, like mint.

“ Hi," I croaked back.

He smiled slightly. ” What's your name?"

“ Katie"

“ Are you lost, Katie?," he asked.

” Not exactly"

He circled around me only to return back to standing in front of me.

” My name is Eli," he stuck his hand out. I shook his hand, only to quickly retract it.

His hand was so cold. I shivered.

“ Are you cold, Katie?"

“ A little," I admitted.

He immediately shrugged out of the jacket he was wearing and placed it around my shoulders.

“ Thank you," I said, silently wondering why this strangers was being so nice. He stood there for a while, studing me.

“ Maybe you should come home with me. I'll keep you safe from whatever you're running from"

“ How do you know that-"

“ You're running from something...or someone?," he smirked. “ I can sense your fear"

I shook my head. “ I don't think so. I don't know you"

” I just told you, my name is Eli," he said and reached for my hand. “ I won't hurt you"

I cautiously took his hand and he led me through the forest.


We came to a stop in a huge clearing in the middle of the forest. I was amazed by the scenery of wild flowers around us but the thing that caught my eye was what stood in the middle of it all.

In the mist of it all stood a castle-like mansion.

“ Do you live here alone?," I asked him as we neared the entrance. He opened the door and we walked in

“ No. Its just my parents, my little sister and I," he answered. I nodded.

The interior of the house was mostly white; white walls, white tiles. Only the furniture were different, it being black. It was beautiful in a plain and simple way.

Eli led me through an arch ahead of us that led to a living room.

“ Wait here, I'll go get my parents," he said and rushed out of the room.

Moments later, a lady in a uniform bustled in the room carrying a tray of glasses. Her eyes landed on me and she screamed.

Au loup! ," she shreached in a foreign language. ” Aidez- moi!". She dropped the tray and ran.

I froaned. Was she referring to me? What did I do?

An intimidating looking man appeared in the archway and his eyes zeroed in on me.

” How did you get in here?," he growled and advanced towards me.

“ E-Eli brought me here," I trembled.

” Oh yeah?. Then where is Eli?," he asked and grabbed my arm, the same one Liam had done the same to. I whimpered.

“ Let her go, Dan," Eli's velvet voice ordered. He stood in the archway, along with an older man and woman I guess were his parents.

The man, Dan, grumbled something under his breath before he let me go and starked out of the room.

“ I'm sorry about Dan. Are you okay?," Eli asked. He now stood beside me, eyes wide with concern. I nodded, a bit shaken up.

Someone cleared their throat.

“ You must be Katie," the woman who had been standing in the arch said. She walked over to me and placed her hand out. ” I'm Miriam and this is my husband, Alec"

She pointed to the man standing behind her, who gave me a small nod.

“ So can she stay?," Eli asked hopefully.

“ Of course she can stay. She seems harmless enough," his mother, Miriam, said.

Author's Note:

I'm so sorry for the late updates that you all have been getting.

I'm just so busy with school it becomes almost impossible for me to write and when I do, the chapters are short because I have to get back to my school work.

But I promise to work harder and get you guys some updates more frequently with longer chapters.

For now, bear with me.




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