Chapter 47

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Liam Black

I want her, I want her so bad it hurts.

I didn't ever think it was possible for me to feel this way for another person. And I did, I felt for her more than I've ever felt in my last twenty five years of existence. It caught me by surprise, it scared the hell out of me but, I wanted her. She's so beautiful and her smile could easily make me smile. If I ever got in a bad mood all I had to do was lock eyes with her crystal orbs and it was like all was good in the world.

I loved how caring she was, how effortlessly she made me smile. I didn't just want her for her body or pleasure like I've been trying to tell myself. I wanted her heart, I wanted her to like me, I wanted her to call me first for something. I wanted her to lay in my bed with me and wake up all of the time to watch me cook. I wanted to be the one she talks to about anything and everything with. I wanted to be the one she spends time with, all of the time.

I just wanted her and even though my feelings for her terrified me. What absolutely petrified me more was the thought that I could lose her to Nathan or lose her at all. If these past weeks showed me anything, it's that I needed her and it hurts like hell without her.

"Liam.." I tightened my grip on her hips when I felt her try to get down.

"Stop it." I stated, pressing her back against the door, her blue eyes peering up at me and her scent invaded my senses.

I seen how much her cheeks were flushed but, I couldn't reflect too much on it. Before I let my lips meet her jawline to trail kisses down her neck softly. I felt her grip my shirt and I mentally smiled against her skin. Allowing my kisses to go further down her chest. I stopped for a second to look up at her squeezing her eyes shut.

"He can't make you feel the way I can." I stated, brushing my lips against hers, that familiar knot nagging at me.

Her eyes fluttered open and I pressed myself against her lower half. A small moan leaving her sweet pink lips. I wanted her so bad, I've never craved someone as much as I craved her. I wanted to kiss every inch of her skin and kiss her so long I run out of oxygen. Just so I could wipe away any hint or memory of another's lips on hers, staining mine forever.

I just wanted to make her feel good, "Liam please." she furrowed her eyebrows, her eyes filled with conflict.

I shook my head, "No, I want you Belle and I know that you want me, you don't want him." I harshly stated the last words with venom.

"And if I do?" she questioned, an aching feeling soared through my chest, she was lying she had to be.

"Then I'd say you're lying, I know you don't want him otherwise you wouldn't be here." I spoke, eyeing her parted lips, "And you would stop me right about now."

I couldn't wait anymore, I leaned in to connect our lips eagerly. My body melted against hers and a groan left my lips at the pure fact that I have her lips on mine. When I felt her kissing me back that just fueled me more. I gripped her hips as I felt her pushing hers against mine. The simple movement itself had me pressing my lips harder against hers.

My lips moved slower, wanting to feel how soft hers  were, how well they fit with mine, "Tell me you want me." I broke the kiss to whisper against her lips until I dived in for more.

She whined, kissing me back and desperately rolling her hips against mine again before I gripped them. I groaned into the kiss wanting to hear her say she wants me. That she chooses me, that at least someone in my life actually chooses me.

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