Chapter 10

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Liam Black

A loud crash emitted throughout the office walls upon impact from everything I just pushed off my desk. It hit the ground and all of my things scattered along the floor. When I didn't deem that enough I grabbed my chair throwing it against the wall, breaking it in the process. I screwed up big time, my need to dominant Belle was just so overwhelming.

That I just snapped when she told me no which isn't ideal, I know.

Especially when Nathan was in the picture it made my blood boil when I seen him touching her and her allowing it. God it hasn't even been a couple days and she has me acting like this. But, Belle is just so gentle, it triggered my need to dominate her more than anything. Now I've gone and ruined everything with my jealous fit all because, of Nathan.

When I noticed her eyes were watering I knew I fucked up. I shouldn't have said what I said I know that it was uncalled for. I can admit when I'm wrong and I was from what I know Nathan's a good guy. It was the whole reason I was irritated. If it was between us she'd probably pick him but, now I'd never know considering I screwed it up by being so sudden.

I just couldn't fathom the thought of her wanting Nathan to touch her and not me. For fucks sake she let him hold her hand but, when I touched her she was trying to push me away. I just couldn't let her in that moment I know for a fact she was turned on. I'm not sure exactly why but, I knew I found it incredibly sexy. Overall though Belle was very beautiful, I knew she was sensitive I just didn't know how much. Now I certainly did by finding out the hard way, now she probably never wants to face me again.

But I didn't care because, I most definitely wanted to see her again.

Knowing her parents their definitely not going to allow her to skip out on this internship. I'm not stupid, I know they want everything for her and I doubt they'd let her throw this away without even a second thought. I just couldn't let her get away so easily. Even if it had only been three days since we've met. Belle triggered something in me and I couldn't stop it.

I haven't had a submissive in over two years but, once I seen her it was like a switch had been flipped inside me. It was making me livid every single time she did something wrong but, it was just my own fault. I know she obviously doesn't know about me, yet I always found myself trying to dominate her. Like last night when I grabbed her jaw. I always felt the need to establish my dominance when she'd flirt with Nathan or when she'd only nod as an answer.

That shit drove me crazy I needed to hear her say, 'yes sir.' It was insane of me I know that now but, she has me going mad. Ever since she first said that to me, I couldn't stop thinking about what it'd be like to fuck her. It didn't help that she was insanely gorgeous from her deep blue eyes to her plump pink lips. The way her body curved in all of the right places she was perfect and I wanted her.

All I could think about now is getting her back here though. If I could get her back here I'd promise myself to stop being so damn possessive. In her eyes though she wasn't flirting as she'd always tell me but, she doesn't see what I see. I just had to control myself and that side of me because, as much as I hate to say it she wasn't mine.

At all.

I tried to keep my cool and went to sit on the couch since my chair was in pieces. Quick flashes of me touching her ran through my mind. She must have been so wet from her how warm she was, just the thought made me groan. I wanted to pleasure her so badly it was overwhelming. So when she denied me I just lashed out which I won't ever do again.

She's driving me insane.


Belle Fawn

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