Chapter 62

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Belle Fawn

"So are you excited for the ball?"

His question made me want to say yes but, my heart told me I shouldn't. That I should be going with Liam. That I should be by his side, on his arm not Nathan's. But, my head on the other hand knew the risks and the choices we had to make to gain my parents approval. And that seemed to be what I wanted a little more which was selfish of me. I love Liam though, it was only just this one time that I'd ever truly hurt him.

"Yeah." I finally answered, running my hand along the material of the dress, "So what color should we go for?" I questioned, smiling to myself when I realized Liam would definitely choose black.

"Dark blue?" he asked, flipping through some ties on a rack.

It wasn't such a bad color, "Yeah that sounds nice actually."

I heard and seen from the corner of my eye his form tense up, "Look I know you'd rather much go to this ball with Liam but, I promise not to be such a bore." he spoke out which made me almost instantly feel bad.

Considering everything I've put him through, he deserved some real smiles, "I'm sorry Nathan." I stopped my looking through the dress to catch his dark brown eyes.

His lips lifted into a small smile before he simply nodded his head, "It's okay." he looked at the dark blue dress I was currently eyeing before speaking, "I change my mind dark blue isn't the best choice, how about red?"

I could only smile at his question before turning to walk down the aisle some more, "That sounds good to me." he followed after, lightly tracing his hand over the things as he went.

"Good, now that we've got this settled do you want to get something to eat?" he asked as I lead the way out of the store where we were once browsing.

"Actually I have plans with Liam but, thank you for the offer though." I made sure he could hear how much I truly did appreciate him.

He nodded his head in understanding, "That's okay let me walk you to your car."

I allowed him to and when I was there, he gave me a hug goodbye which lasted a couple seconds longer than necessary. But, Nathan was my friend and I couldn't find it in me to tell him to let go. Maybe he needed it. Once he let go and I was safely in the car, he waved at me while I drove off down the road. We weren't hanging out for that long but, I could already feel Liam's emotions from here.

When I first told him I needed to go shopping for clothes with Nathan. He freaked, he tried not to he tried to contain it but, he nearly kissed me. I nearly provoked him further too. But, it wouldn't have been fair so in frustration he sent me on my way without so much as a word goodbye. So here I was rushing to get home so that I could change and go to his house to hopefully win his affection over.

But imagine my surprise when I got home to find my door already unlocked. Which threw me off since Gracie was at Derek's house. I cautiously shut my door behind me and made my way upstairs. Quietly I  glanced around to see nothing out of the ordinary. I reached out to twist the knob to my room and push open the door.

My heart falling out of my chest when I seen Liam laid out on my bed. He had one arm tucked behind his head while the other held his phone in his hand. One of his legs were bent at the knee and the other laid flat. He was wearing a black plain t shirt with dark blue jeans. His hair messily laying on top of his head as his hazel eyes flickered over to me.

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