Chapter 2

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Belle Fawn

The next day, I woke up, I actually felt excitement for my second day. Normally, I'd be upset by the social environment a day would bring, but today feels different. I had gotten through it yesterday with some minor inconveniences, and I feel like I could do it again.

Once I'd finished getting ready by 8 o'clock, I made sure to check myself in the mirror before I left. I smiled at my reflection. My body isn't of a supermodel, but I had nothing to be insecure about it's what everybody works on, I suppose. I heard Gracie on the dot yelling my name just as she would back in the dorms of college. Grabbing my purse, I made my way downstairs as best as I could without falling on my face given my shoe choice. The enticing smell of pancakes filled my senses, Gracie knew they were my favorite.

"Woah chill." she laughed when she heard my stomach growl, I stuck my tongue out at her and sat at the counter, "Very mature B." she added.

"No, I revoke your nickname card because of the stunt you pulled yesterday." I stated as a plate of freshly cooked pancakes were placed in front of me, and I started to eat.

"Oh come on, I was working, you know I'd never purposely leave you hanging." she reprimanded, "Besides who did bring you home?"

I narrowed my eyes at her, "Liam."

She ooed at me with a giggle, "Liam, huh?" she raised her eyebrows, "What happened to Nathan?"

I swallowed my food before answering, "He practically intercepted me from Nathan."

"Sounds spicy." she laughed, which made me go red, "a ride home interception, that's a big step."

I groaned, "Well, I really don't need another step, so make sure you are there to pick me up on the dot."

"Why not?"

I looked at her because she knew exactly why I couldn't delve into a situation with a man, "Right because your parents isolated you so bad before college that you don't even know how to start a proper conversation with someone that isn't me."

That stung, and it certainly ended the conversation as silence filled the room while we continued to eat. We always got into arguments about my parents' treatment towards me and how that treatment affected my adult years. In her eyes, it was like my parents were an anchor tied to my ankles, not letting me walk without having to drag the weight of it along. She saw them as people who took basic survival skills from me in order to make the most perfect robot. To me, they just want what's best for me, but deep down, I know Gracie is right. I know they ruined my social life, and it was to get me where I am now.

Wasn't it worth it?

"I have to go or I'll be late." I muttered.

"The keys are in the bowl."

Gracie is a phenomenal friend, and I love her for it, I know just like my parents, she wants what's best for me. For her, that's ultimately to be happy, have a social life, and someone to spend time with. Instead of living this life, my parents mapped out and trapped me in. Except the voice in my head needs to make my parents proud, I didn't care if it cost me a few things in life. When I walked to the front door, I grabbed the car keys from a bowl that was on a nearby table.

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