The Weasley Wedding

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"Good luck today, Ron! I'll be out there with Ginny waiting for you!" Harry said as he was about to leave Ron.
"What? I'm not hiding anything!" Ron shouted.
"I never said you were," Harry said.
"Oh...," Ron weakly laughed. "I guess the stress is getting to me."
"Okay...," Harry awkwardly muttered as he left.

It was finally Ron and Hermione's wedding day and everyone in the Weasley family was getting hyped up. In fact, they invited the Grangers over to celebrate the night before. Ron continued to look at himself and check for any flaws. No wrinkles, no extra pieces of lint, no Nargles... The door opened again.

"It's time!" Harry signaled.

The two Aurors walked out to their spots and the ceremony commenced. The Weasley and Grangers walked down the aisle and then the doors were opened up wide for the bride. Ron began to get shaky, so his right hand man, Harry, calmed him a bit. The organ began to play the song and everyone anticipated Hermione to come walking down the aisle. Suddenly, there was a strange, indescribable noise sounded from the hallway. A small blue light burst into the room and captivated everyone's attention.

"To the Aurors of the Ministry or Magic...," it spoke. "I have taken the bride to an unknown location. She will be killed within ten days if Potter doesn't give me what I want. This is a warning message to all of you. Beware...."

People began to run around and panic. Hermione's parents and family were mostly calm, but you could tell underneath, that they're freaking out.

"What does she want with you?" Ron turned to Harry.
"I don't know," Harry said.

The Aurors escorted everyone out of the church and then met with Harry and Ron in the Ministry of Magic.


The Daily Prophet had a new headline for the day: "Weasley Wedding Wrecked!" They all closed the door and began to talk about the attack.

"So what should we do?" Inderjit started the meeting. "We obviously can't do anything wrong to upset Asuna."
"It's pretty obvious," Harry stood up. "We're going to give her what she wants."
"Well, what the hell does she want, Harry?" Ron asked, quite irritated.
"Me," Harry simply replied.

Ron gasped and jumped out of his seat.

"Mate, are you mental?" Ron looked at Harry. "You can't do this! There's bound to be another way!"
"No! There isn't! There's not much time for me left, but there's thousands of years for you and Hermione. We're going to get her back," Harry said. "This meeting is over."

Harry left the conference room as Ron fell back into a chair and spun around.


I'm so sorry for not updating and the abnormally short chapter. I'm just trying to find the spark and will to make this book spectacular. If you guys have any ideas for this story, please go ahead and PM me or leave it in the comments. Also, don't forget to vote and follow for me for more updates! Thanks!


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