Finding Asuna

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Harry planned to leave everyone in a few days to find Asuna and Hermione. Ron was still very hesitant to let him go. Inderjit continued to badger Harry about everything that could go wrong, but Harry was headstrong.

"Why are you doing this?" Inderjit asked. "Don't you realize how reckless this is?"
"I do realize how dangerous this is," Harry replied. "I'm going to do whatever I can to stop Asuna though."
"Harry, com'on, please just tell us why you're doing this!" Ron agreed with Inderjit.
"Yea! You've got years ahead of you too!" Inderjit said.

Harry was silent.

"To be honest, I've kind of given up on this," Harry admitted.
"Given up on what?" Ron asked.
"What's been bothering you?"

Harry turned his back to him and stared out the window where dark clouds came slowly out for him. No one understands..., he thought.

"You can tell me," Ron said.
"Asuna, Ginny, me! There's so much going on that it's making me sick! My girlfriend—well, I don't even know what we are anymore—doesn't remember who I am, Asuna has come back to get us, and your wife was kidnapped by her!"

The three men were drawn into silence as the storm continued to steadily approach. Harry understood that he had to do this alone. But only he realized that.


"Nothing?" Harry muttered out of complete surprise. "Nothing at all?"

The person on the phone curtly responded.

"There's no way...she has to be in the wizarding world somewhere!—Alright...well...thanks for everything.—Bye."

She has to be here. Maybe she's in a new hideout? Or maybe she was in plain sight? Harry had to admit it to himself:

She could be anywhere.

And the fact that Hermione was gone with her scared him even more. Ron seemed to be more worried about him than his fiancé. He had a vast amount of trust invested in Hermione. She was smart and with years of experience with Voldemort in her, she could endure anything.

But Harry sat in his office chair, slowly twisting and turning it as he pondered. His bulletin board was covered in maps, photos, and red X's—a classic scene from any mystery film these days. Everything led to a dead end. All of the wizarding countries responded to him with no trace of Asuna. Even after requesting they check twice, the results were negative.

Harry stopped twisting in his chair and stared at a rubber duck Mr. Weasley had given him during his first years at Hogwarts. Memories came flooding back as he thought of a conversation they had about the functions of a rubber duck. At the time, Harry was speechless. He honestly didn't know, even though it was a very common object in muggle homes across England.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in his head like the lightning bolt scar on his forehead. It made sense. There are no dead ends on his bulletin board now. It totally slipped his mind that he lived a double life! Asuna and Hermione weren't found in the wizarding world—

They're in the muggle world.


Hermione woke up with her eyes staring up at a pure white ceiling. Everything seemed normal. She felt her bed beneath her and ran her fingers through the soft velvet bed sheets. She ran her fingers through her hair and then rubbed her eyes. Then it all came flooding back to her. The wedding. The mission. Komoto Asuna. Where am I?, Hermione mentally panicked, Today's my wedding day! What's going on?

She say up in fear and leaped down from her bed. Surveying the room, she couldn't identify where she was. It wasn't The Burrow. It definitely wasn't her parent's home. It wasn't Hogwarts, Harry's home, nor St. Mungo's.

This room was made for royalty. There was expensive China on shelves and a large fire place with a fire already burning. In front of the fire place were elegant couches and a coffee table. There was a bathroom with marble floor as well. And the bed she woke up in had large embellished pillows and a soft, luxurious bed spread. The floor she stood on was a fine wood, probably oak. There were paintings scattered around the room. But they weren't like the regular wizard paintings that had people who could talk. They were muggle paintings—frozen and still.

Then there was a large door on the left side of the room. It was taller than most doors and appeared to be extremely heavy. It's massive size was more than twice Hermione's. Yet somehow, she liked the room.

She looked up and saw a single window, left ajar. The sky was blue outside and there were a few high cirrus clouds floating.

Hermione wandered into the bathroom. She examined all of the fixtures and acknowledged the perfectly chiseled handles on the bathtub and sink. The shelves were filled with only necessary objects: soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss. A huge mirror took up half of the bathroom wall. Hermione then realized someone had changed her clothes. The last thing she remembered wearing was her wedding dress. She was now wearing only jeans and a casual sweater. She wasn't wearing shoes either, only socks. Someone had also done her hair. She had her hair put up in a lovely bun, but now, someone had put it into a side braid, which she didn't think suited her well.

"Hello," a voice spoke.

Hermione froze and slowly turned her head out toward the room. She saw a rather nice looking woman. She had brown hair, like Hermione's, and blue eyes. They were about the same height too.

"Who are you?" Hermione stammered as she cautiously exited the bathroom.
"I thought you were smart, Hermione Granger...," the woman said. "You disappoint me."

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