Part 5 (TY FOR THE IDEA someloser202)

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Tadashi got a little nervous seeing all of his friends there. But then Daichi spoke up

"How ya feeling" he said

Yamaguchi shrugged he had a really bad migraine. 

He couldnt keep his eye of terushima he was just so...he couldnt describe it.

People started leaving one by one until it was just him and Terushima they talked but Tadashi let out shorter answers. But a few words could just change tadashis whole day.

" kinda like you..." The words slipped out of Terushimas mouth as he quickly felt embarrassed.

Yamaguchi looked right in Terushimas eyes.

"W-would my boyfriend?"

Yamaguchi looked so suprised not expecting him to like him back.

"Yes I would!" Tadashi said happily.

Terushima let out a big grin of relife.

"Yuuji! Time to go!" Said Mrs. Terushima

"See ya freckles" He said putting his jacket on with a wink while leaving.

Tadashi waved good bye. 

He looked down at his hands he then let out a big smile.

"Ow.." He said remembering his headache as he laid back down.

The next day Tadashi was let out of the hospital but the doctor said, "You may go to school but, no looking at screens or attending sports till further notice." 

Tadashi sighed.

At School the first day back. (Tadashi missed only a day of school)

When Yamaguchi showed up to school he went right to his classroom he didn't feel like talking. 

His headache was still the same and the ringing in his ear was too he still had a concussion but it wasn't that bad but his eyes also hurt when he saw something bright. It was just the recovery.

 When he walked into classroom 1-4 he saw Tsukishima. But Tadashi didn't sit by him he to an absent students desk. When everybody was seated he had a classmate sitting next to him. He had no clue who he was but it didn't matter.

At one point in class the teacher was doing something and a student behind yamaguchi tapped him and said "Tadashi look!" He looked quickly out of instinct...Bad idea. The student was showing him something on their phone but Tadashi couldn't even see what it said because it was so bright to him. The student then remembered about the whole concussion thing.

Tadashi had covered his eyes with his jacket sleeves as the ringing in his head worsened and so did his headache...Horibally.

He was crying and still covering his eyes when the teacher came over to him.

"Tadashi are you okay?!" he said.

Tsukishima turned his head wondering what was happening.

Tadashi looked up at the teacher with his sleeve bellow his nose.

He looked misserable and had tears in his eyes.

He was in too much pain. 

Tsukishima had saw him and looked concerned but also with confussion 

'Ugh hes fine' he thought to himself. But Tadashi wasn't fine.

The teacher escorted Tadashi out so he could visit the nurse.

On his way there his vision got blurry because of the tears in his eyes. He kept walking into lockers until he ran into one that really hurt. A huge feeling of pain went through his head as he realized he hit his head on something. "F-fuck" he said quietly. nobody else was in the hall because they were all in class.

He didnt make it to the nurse in time.

The boys clinched hand came un-clinched he was loosing feeling. 

He saw a framilar face...Coach Ukai.

He tried walking over to him for help but he couldn't move.

"Hey  kid, you alr--" he was cut off by Tadashi leaning on Ukai. 

Tadashis legs collapsed 

"Tadashi!" Ukai said grabbing him so he wouldn't fall.

The school bell rang and all the students came out while this was happening. Everybody saw Tadashi being carried away. 

Tsukishima saw it too. His eye twitched as he heard people saying. "did you hear he go a concussion from being punched in the face?" or "who punched him?"

Tsukishima just realized he probably just lost a friend.

Thanks for the idea! (User in the title) 

Also some of this was inspired by Sunflower skater by Tiger12826 go check it out!


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