Part 10

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Tadashi woke up for school on monday in a good mood. He had a good weekend and was ready to start a new week. 

He skated to school again because he really enjoyed doing it the first time. 

Hearing the wind blow by him quickly while he jumped over a few steps leading to his school. He then grabbed his board in mid air and took his earbuds out. he carried his board on his side looking at his phone. He put his skateboard in his locker and started his school day.

When practice rolled around Tadashi was surprised by one of coach Ukais announcements 

Ukai said "Okay so today we are having practice with Jozenji; we will have some practise games so just go warm up they will arrive shortly." 

When Tadashi heard that news his eyes widened. He was excited. 

Warming up Yamaguchi did a few stretches. 

The other team was a bit late so they did some practice like passing drills and serving practice.

When they did arrive Karasuno welcomed them and they got started. 

Tadashi was a big shaken up by the pressure when he was up to serve. He had a shaky throw hand so it took him a few tosses. After he got his first serve over the net he pinched his lip because of anxiety causing it to bleed a little. He didn't really notice but Yachi was freaking out asking if he was okay. He was since it happened a lot, he just laughed it off. 

During their break the two teams went outside. When they did there was a bunch of snow on the ground and they all were pretty excited because it had just been raining a lot for the majority of the year. 

Some started playing with the snow like little kids and some just looked at it. Tadashi was one of the people who looked at the sky and the pretty scene of the trees covered in snow. 

While he was he felt a presence come up and stand next to him. He looked over and saw Terushima. They had small talk until Terushima kissed Tadashi on the cheek YES IN FRONT OF EVERYBODY WHAT. Tadashi was all flustered but nobody noticed. 

"I wanted to do that so bad this whole time" Terushima said

"Why in front of everybody???" Yamaguchi asked 

Terushima laughed 

"Hey is that the guy that punched you?!" Yuuji said right as Nishinoya walked up to them

"Uh" Tadashi said as he noticed Nishinoya Looking at Yamaguchi then Tsukishima in shock

Terushima covered his mouth quickly realizing Yamaguchi probably didn't want the attention 

"Sorry.." he whispered

"Its fine" Yamaguchi said slowly

"HE PUNCHED YOU? LIKE YOUR BEST FRIEND??" Nishinoya said loudly

That got Tsukkis attention. And Ukais attention.

Tadashi covered his face "Sh-Shut up Nishinoya." He said 

"You know you could've told us so we wouldn't be confused why you guys weren't talking" Nishinoya said loudly again but not in a mad way

Tadashi's hands started shaking a little 

"I said shut up for once god damn." Said Yamaguchi

Everybody was looking over at them with even more of a stare which caused Yamaguchi to have even more anxiety. People even started noticing his panic. 

"You okay?" Teru said holding Tadashi's hands that were covering his face trying to slowly move them 

When tadashi opened his eyes he saw coach Ukai standing by him everybody was huddled around him

"Yo, give him some space...uhh break is over go practice" Ukai said

Ukai started asking Tadashi questions because he knew that would distract him. 

After he calmed down he went to the bathroom too cool down. He splashed water on his face to cool down the sting of when he was panicking and scratched his face a little. 

For the rest of practice he sat down on the bench but soon fell asleep over on Ennoshita's arm because he was very tired.

"wake up sleepy head" Hinata said 

The rest of the team was by him trying to get him up. 

"mh" Yamaguchi opened his eyes slowly and got up 

He stretched and came to realization that his parents were probably their to pick him up.

The other team already left so Tadashi got into his moms car and went home.

ok so i got back into writing ik i gave you guys like 3 parts in a few days bc im cool like that ILY GUYS Ill probably work on another part soon

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